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In 1Samuel 9 when Saul says to the Prophet Samuel, “youngest in the smallest clan” – it initially looks like humility – remember Samuel said – “I will tell you everything that is in your heart”! God put it there – 1Samuel 10:1 – Denied the possibility he could be king, it wasn’t humility, it was shame. Saul had something in his heart that he knew he was supposed to be – yet he was afraid to stand in it. Know that feeling?

Most of us are afraid to stand in what we are supposed to be. We don’t believe it – shame.

David Ruis sings a song, “There must be more” “Lord I cry, Lord I groan, Lord I kneel for something real, there must be more”! Passion deep in our hearts – we know there must be something more than what we have – right? Don’t we know? God put it in our hearts! A residue of holiness – liberty that is still there and says – “there has to be more”!

It’s in that place where the enemy comes – he lies to you. You want more – try this – give yourself to that – we fall short of the glory of God. Because of shame.

It’s not that we want too much – we satisfy ourselves with much too little! Satisfied with drugs, sex, hard core music. We are satisfied with that stuff when we could have liberty in the presence of the Father – WHERE CREATION ITSELF SAYS, “YES”! That’s were we are headed – shame free!

Are you tired of trying to maintain in the flesh what God gave you by grace?

Saul and Ish-Bosheth hated David. They knew he was the guy, yet they tried to hold on to the trappings of the kingdom, the stuff. David was the guy Samuel came to find when Saul started to sin.

Samuel called David in from the backside of the desert watching sheep. Samuel says to David, “you are anointed now”! How did David respond? Not shamefully – he said, “Ok” and went back out to the sheep! How did he do that? Why? HE KNEW THE FATHER – HE WROTE SONGS ABOUT THE FATHER – Tithing his teen years writing poems about his God!

David was face-to-face with God. Wrote hot worship songs on the backside. How did he come to that free place where he can say, “Ok”? He meets the Father out there! Those that look to the Father – their faces are radiant – never covered with shame!

When it came time to do the Lord’s will, David said, “I don’t need the kingship to be special! I know where the presence of God is! If God’s in the wilderness – I’m in the wilderness – if God’s in the cave – I’m in the cave – if God’s in Jerusalem in the palace – I’m in the palace. It doesn’t make any difference about the external – I just want to be where my God is – CAUSE WHEN I LOOK TO HIS FACE, I HAVE NO SHAME!

God said, “move to the palace” ok! God said take off your close and dance – ok! Not the first time he danced naked and unashamed – Father’s eyes only! Performing for the audience of one!

We will finish up on the next blog…

(I have preached this message many times over the years and seen hundreds set free; My friend, Gary Wiens, has this whole teaching on MP3; if you have ever dealt with shame or know someone that does, please pick this up)

2 responses to ““Shame on you” Dead dog and a Lame man; Part 4”

  1. This has been a great message. We love Lisa’s blog today. God is moving through you two. The best part is you Lisa and the kids are truly one in the spirit. Love Mom

  2. this is such a great message, Iam so glad you posted it, we all need to hear and understand this…..and get set free for crying OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!