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Shame comes two ways:

1)      Gen 3 – Naked and ashamed, mankind entered into a sinful condition. We are born into shame – because we are born in sin – Adam and Eve. Before they were naked and unashamed – perfectly transparent with themselves and the Father – content with who they were – delighting in themselves and the Father. Face to Face with the Father – Face to Face with the creator – they saw Him as He was… their faces were radiant and never covered with shame!

The moment they chose their own way – they became naked and ashamed – protected themselves from the eyes of God, from the eyes of one another – the human race was born into shame – born into sin.

2)      Second way shame comes in our own choices – own actions – the devil made me do it, (Gen 3:1). The enemy comes to every one of us and says, “Did God really say that?” Wouldn’t it be better if you were in control of your own life? God really doesn’t have your best interest at heart – does He? The enemy says that to all of us. Lies to us and convinces us that the Father doesn’t have our best interest.

You ever sing the song, “Be carful little hands what you do” “Shame on you”. We grow up in a religious environment that says, “it’s about right and wrong: not life and death.

God wants to remove shame! Naked and unashamed, looks us full in the face, with radiance! He is looking for liberty and freedom – an equally yoked bride – is that you?

Romans 8 says that all of creation yearns. Creation itself groans – every time there is a thunderstorm – every time the earth quakes – its creation itself yearning for sons and daughters to come to freedom! Holy liberty – Restoring. The enemy can only prevent and approximate in the wilderness of the world – that is unholy.

2Cor 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Only place there is liberty is where the Lord is – only place you can really be, who you really are is in the house of the Lord. And be accepted in that condition. Be accepted in your shame.

That is not the Church God sees – free, full of liberty, restored – we have walked short of the glory of God – we have missed it.

We want reality, not hype! God doesn’t hate you – He would rather die then live without you. He did! Radiance, no shame… are we ready for that Church?!

Gen 9:22 Ham saw his fathers nakedness and uncovered it and he was cursed… the other two sons covered his nakedness, they forgave… Shame Free.

We are getting there… more tomorrow…

(I have preached this message many times over the years and seen hundreds set free; My friend, Gary Wiens, has this whole teaching on MP3; if you have ever dealt with shame or know someone that does, please pick this up)

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