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“Shame on you”. Have you ever said this to one of your kids? Has someone ever spoke it over you? Shame is a blight that covers multiple generations; “if they find out who I really am, they won’t like me”.

In the Garden of Eden, “Adam and Eve were both naked, and they felt no shame”. (Gen 2:25) Then in Chapter 3:1 of Gen – the serpent comes and asks Eve, “Did God really say” and the devil has been asking us that question ever since…

The enemy comes to you, usually when you are all alone, maybe as you are lying awake in bed and he asks, “Does God really love you? Why is He allowing you to go through such pain? Why has He abandoned you? Why won’t He give you this or that?” We buy into a lie, and shame is birthed in our hearts…

After Adam and Eve bought into the lie, it says in Gen 3:10 that they “Hid themselves from the Lord because they were naked” and we have been hiding every since.

1Samuel 9 tells us the story of Saul – Israel was “Clamoring” for a King. Samuel warned them to not demand such things, but they refused, so God Chooses Saul. When Samuel reveals to Saul that he had been chosen by God, Saul answered in his shame. “But am I not from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why do you say such a thing to me?” (1Samuel 9:21)  When Samuel was announcing him as king, Saul was “Hiding in the baggage” (1Samuel 10:22) and he led in shame the rest of his life until he killed himself on the battle field.

Saul had a son that he named Ish-Bosheth. He led the same way that his father led, in shame. In-fact, Ish-Bosheth means “Man of Shame”. “Shame on you” Saul named his son that took over for him as King, shame.

But, God had a “Dead dog and a lame man” as an answer… continued later…

(I have preached this message many times over the years and seen hundreds set free; My friend, Gary Wiens, has this whole teaching on MP3; if you have ever dealt with shame or know someone that does, please pick this up)

6 responses to ““Shame on you” Dead dog and a lame man”

  1. ahhh! I love this message…one of my favorites. I remember the first time you preached it to us. Life changing for sure! I like it almost as much as the one about Elijah, the Tishbite….from Tishbe….which makes total sense to me! 🙂
    Ha! Love ya!