
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I was on stage the whole time at the Calllast night, got to speak a couple times and share a little with them about what I’m doing. This morning, I preached at a huge church of about 4000 members this morning and got to share more of the message of G42and the World Race. I have a lot to share, but it’ll have to wait until I have some more time to write.

For now, here’s a continuation of the Seven Revolutions series by Tom Sipling (continued from Seven Revolutions: Passion):

Second Revolution: Prayer

Hanging out with God means not asking for anything, but just “being” with Him. This is what true intimacy with the Lord looks like. You need to turn your passion into prayer. In Acts 1:14, it says, “They all joined together constantly in prayer…” (NIV)

When it says “all”, it means the remnant. This is important to understand, so that you do not become discouraged. “All” is not the majority; it is the few called to start the revolution (the 120 in the upper room).

Ask God if that is you. Join together. The remnant will want to be together. Passion must call us to prayer, or it will stink with religious striving. Boring prayer times consume the passionless. Passion is necessary.

This second revolution of the heart will call you to be constantly in prayer. Where are the youth ministries that are passionate and praying? Programs are too many times fulfilling man-made agendas.

All of church history reveals revivals that were birthed by a few who passionately prayed. Will anyone on their death bed wish they had had the chance to go to more church meetings? (Christopher Levan)

Third Revolution: Power

Acts 1:8; 2:1-4 says, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” Passion and prayer allow the opportunity for the power of God to inhabit us. Without the power of God, we will have just religious activity! Jesus says in John 15 that apart from him we can do nothing.

Witnesses” are birthed in this power (“witness” here is where we get the word “martyr” from). People, not programs, become what we are consumed with in youth ministry. If Jesus descended into Hell, then where are you willing to go to share His love?