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A blog series for “revolutionaries” of the Christian faith, which is an adaptation of a teaching called the Seven Revolutions in the Heart of a Generation, by my friend Tom Sipling. This is continued from Seven Revolutions: People and Presence

VI. Sixth Revolution: Possessions

In Acts 4:32, it says, “All
the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his
possessions was his own, but hey shared everything they had.”

The sixth revolution of the heart is one where there are no claim on
possessions. The investment is now on people, not programs for church people. 97% of an average church budget is spent on
church programs aimed at its own church people.

Jesus said that a sure test of the heart is where our treasures are spent
(Matthew 6:21). The early believers shared everything. Here’s an illustration
to better understand this that I use with young people:

Put a five dollar bill in your hand and make a fist around it demonstrating how
we hold our money much of time. You say, “It is mine!” But someone reminds you,
“No, we have been given the responsibility to steward it.” So, now open your
hand, demonstrating the way we ought to hold it. Let them know it is not your
$5 bill!

Give it to someone to hold. God will probably show you whom to give it
to. Let them know that God gave you
that $5 to be obedient with. Go ahead, let them keep it!

It is how we are to be
with our possessions in reaching out to people in the community.

Last part of this series tomorrow…