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This all comes from a talk Tom Sipling gives to young people on the “Seven Revolutions in the Heart of a Generation.” You can read an earlier blog for the intro.

First Revolution: Passion
The first revolution of the heart is passion. In Acts 1:3, it says that after
Jesus’ “passion” (KJV) that he showed himself to the disciples and gave “many
convincing proofs” that he was alive. This happened over a period
of forty days, and he spoke about the kingdom of God.

The revolution of passion involves more than just an emotional high. What is the difference betweeen passion and emotion? Emotions come and go; they last
for a moment and are dependent on the circumstances.

The 120 disciples who gathered in the Upper Room had passion, the
same passion demonstrated by Jesus. Jesus’
passion took him to the Cross (translated “suffering” in the NIV).

demands a response! It is more than a moment focused on circumstances. Here’s an illustration: A wife wants to see passion
demonstrated from her husband. A wife needs more than
the emotional monologue from her husband after she
experienced a hard day. She wants to see passion demonstrated. (NOT what you are thinking
right now!)

She walks into the living
room, and there he is vacuuming the living room. His passion is demonstrating his love for her. Is he all emotional as he vacuums? I doubt it! His passion demanded a response for his wife. She says to him, “You even look sexier when you vacuum!”

Jesus gave “convincing proof” that he was
alive by going to the cross for us and coming to life gain. Now that is PASSION! Does your
life give convincing proof He is alive in you?

One response to “Seven Revolutions: Passion”

  1. I am SO enjoying reading your blog. Thought you might be interested to know that in the old English the word “passion” had a different meaning from today. It meant death, just as today we say “his passing” because we’ve given “passion” a different meaning. This puts the verse you quoted in a different light, “after Jesus’ passion (death) he showed himself to the disciples and gave many convincing proofs” that he was alive.

    May God continue to bless you!