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This was written by my friend Tom Sipling, an introduction to a blog series about the seven revolutions of the heart:

Revolution: “a
complete, pervasive, usually radical change in something, often one made
relatively quickly.” (The Random House College Dictionary, p.1131)

nation was birthed in a revolution! Fifty-six men gathered in a room and signed
the Declaration of Independence.

Revolutions are never
started with the multitudes; they are always started with the few!

One hundred
and twenty people emerged from the upper room to turn their city upside down.

What was in their hearts that birthed a revolution? Where did the rest of the
disciples go that were following Jesus?

A line was drawn by the Spirit of God
but many weren’t willing to lay down their lives for the cause. It all began
with prayer and waiting on God. Programs can’t accomplish what passion for our Father
can accomplish.

Are you interest in
joining the revolution among youth today? Let’s discover what it will cost you.
What was in the heart of these people? The Holy Spirit is once again drawing a
line and asking where are those who can step across the line. Comfort and
security in anything but God can’t cross this line. God is looking for a
generation that is willing to lose their reputation and even possibly their

The seven revolutions
in the heart of a remnant youth are emerging in these last days. Each of these
revolutions will lead you to the next one as you walk out your journey with
God. Passion is the spark that leads to prayer while prayer leads us to the
power of God.

When the power of God falls on a man, the longing to touch people
begins to emerge, which invites the manifest presence of God. Seeing God show
up on the scene encourages us to release our possessions to build the kingdom,
because we desire to be part of something beyond ourselves.

Finally, we
experience persecution because we have entered Satan’s territory. The war for
people’s lives is now fully engaged: passion to prayer to power to people to
the presence to possessions to persecution.

3 responses to “Seven Revolutions in the Heart of a Generation”

  1. Sipling always goes for the heart . He`s right . I hear the sound of the army of the LORD ! A.