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We had an amazing day today with our business guys that are helping us build the dream “Children’s Villages.”

This is Chad Mast’s blog on the day… enjoy:

“The steps of a good man are
ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he
shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.”

This morning, I was a part of one
of many business meetings that have taken place over the last couple of
months with one of the largest sugar cane companies in all of

We met to discuss the dire need for G42 (42nd Generation) care points in the area.

One of the biggest problems that
companies have in all of Swaziland is the destruction that AIDS is
doing to their workforce.

So many employees are dying from the disease
that it is becoming a huge problem to find workers.

The owners of the sugar company
not only want to share Jesus but they also want generations to be
healed from the oppressions that are upon their country.

building G42 care points, they can meet the needs of the children who
have been orphaned by their dying parents.

They can raise up children
that have been dealt a bad hand in a godly environment that will train
them how to bring kingdom to all the world.

They will be equipped with
biblical foundations, education and be raised in a self sufficient

These care points will provide a family environment,
shelter, food and love that only Jesus can bring.

Through investing in these G42
care points, thousands will be saved from the destructions of the
world. The children will be given a chance to step into their destiny
that God has created them for.

The children will be given the chance to
make a difference in the world and to take Swaziland in a different

Seeing the heart of some of the
business men of Swaziland has shown me the hope that God has for this

They have an interest to see their workforce come back, but they
truly have the heart to see the people healed. Not only is this the beginning of
a movement of God, but it is a start of the next generation. God tells
us to impart to the next generation.

Well, in Swaziland there is an
entire generation that has been wiped out by AIDS. If someone does not
step up to the challenge then there will no longer be any hope for the

Through the answer to prayer, God
has begun to put the desires of His heart in ours. We have been
burdened to start these care points all over the country of Swaziland
and throughout the world. This dream is so big and that is why we know
it is from God, we cannot attain it without Him.

Trust in the Lord with all of
your heart, do not depend on your own understanding, in all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

-Proverbs 3:5-6

One response to “Saving a generation”

  1. Gary – stay strong ! There is an effectual door opened to you ( us!) . The anointing breaks the yoke . xo A.