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a ProvokaThought


God alone
Anoints and

by doug stringer

The calling of God comes with greater levels of responsibility.
  Whom He anoints (or commissions) with His authority, He also demands greater accountability.

Priests (ministers) are called to be a reflection of God’s Holiness and Character, thus there is a
higher price of responsibility and accountability.

Anointing and Appointing come from God.
Many mistakenly credit their personal
abilities as

Our abilities, giftings and talents will never take us where only our character can.

We need a revival of Character today.

The late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole used to say that,
“the characteristics of the Kingdom, emanate from the Character of the KING.”
  Jesus is our King and if we are to reflect the Kingdom of God, we must walk in the character of Christ.

The late Leonard Ravenhill used to say, “ always take God serious, but never take yourself too seriously.”

One response to “Revival of Character”

  1. AMEN! this is so true and I pray that we will all follow that call to be more and more like Christ the King and honor Him in all things!