
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is a word from the Lord a friend of mine received from a very famous man that is his mentor. He gave it to me last week while I was sitting in his office as he thought it might really apply to where I was… just put your circumstance and name, and remember the promises of God over your life!

You are coming to the end of a very busy year, a lot of travel, trying to prepare for Africa, the financial challenges, the cultural challenges, the reality of leaving friends and family; you are at times at a place that you wish you could just leave!

  1. You need to reaffirm the original call. It doesn’t matter what you think or feel; what does matter is that you are going where the Lord wants you to go.
  2. Understand the context of the struggle – the Lord new seven years ago what the current climate would be right now and how you would feel about where you are. Therefore, you need to connect what is happening right now, what is happening today, with God’s call on your life seven years ago. The Lord has prepared you for this day and this challenge.
  3. Seek the Lords wisdom regarding what to share and how you are to conduct yourself in the midst of this current challenge. 1Sam 2:35 – “I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind.” This will be achieved with more meditation. Where in scripture does the Lord want you to “Camp” right now so that He may reveal Himself to you? (I am living in Psalms 78)
  4. Be ready for this moment the Lord has prepared for you, and don’t shrink back from it. Ps 78:9 – “The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle; they did not keep God’s covenant and refused to live by His law. They forgot what He had done, the wonders He had showed them.”
  5. There is no substitute for relationship with Jesus. You can trust in His promises, but don’t neglect communing with the Promise-Giver. Stand guard over your heart and relationship with Jesus.

Lord, you have prepared the BlackTribe and everyone reading this for such a time as this. I pray that you would sustain us and help us not turn back on the day of battle like Ephraim. Reveal Yourself to us, and minister your promises…


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