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Continued from Religious people don’t raise the dead

Lisa then asked…

“What is your
definition of an ‘orphan spirit?”

My answer was “a person that sees everything
through the eyes of an adopted child, not a true son or daughter.” Because they
don’t view themselves as legitimate children, they sabotage almost every
relationship and expect everyone to fail them. The world has to be against them,
because nobody understands what they have been through, how hard life has been, how hard it is today, and how deeply hurt they really are. And, that God
really doesn’t care.

A person with an “orphan spirit”
puts false expectations on their loved ones, their friends, God, but especially
themselves. They keep busy so they do not have to feel and usually are addicted
to work, alcohol, shopping, sex, entertaining, anything that will keep them away
from having to deal with themselves. When they read things like
8:15, they don’t understand it.

“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a
slave again to fear, but, you received the spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are
God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and
co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings, in order that we may
also share in his glory” (Romans 8:15-17). How can God be a
daddy when He has abandoned me over and over, like everybody
else? They don’t get it.

I told Lisa that we all deal with
this spirit at one level or another, and that is one of the highest forms of a religious spirit, because it’s all about what went wrong, who wronged me, how
God just can’t get it right, and, if I am honest, how I just can’t get it right.

Lisa then said, “I think I know how
you break it! You have to truly understand and KNOW the character of God. You
have to slow down, run to solitude and allow the true spirit to reveal who you
are, but more importantly, who He is. It’s work to get healed! It’s
uncomfortable; it isn’t easy – it’s like forgiving someone that really hurt you
– you have to go back time and time again, until it happens. The revelation of
Daddy God comes alive! You don’t just feel forgiven, you really are!

revelation comes that you cannot please Him anymore, or more then that,
displease Him anymore. Just because I am a daughter, He is pleased enough! But,
it takes time, and it’s hard work… not religious work, but ‘working out your
salvation with fear and trembling’ work. When you really hate the false spirit
enough and you are really desperate enough to get healed, it will

2:12-13 says to continue to work out your salvation
with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act
according to His good purpose.

God does it, but we have to want it enough.

7 responses to “Religious people don’t raise the dead, Pt. 2”

  1. Gary and Lisa – lovely stuff ! “If God had a refrigerator , your photograph would be on it….if He had a wallet , your photo would be in it.. !” Born to be loved..
    Thank You , Jesus! xo A.

  2. this stuff is so profound I think it’s one of your life messages. you’ve really got a handle on it and are the best couple I’ve ever seen at helping young people conquer the orphan spirit. keep pressing in on this – a generation needs you guys to be unshakable on this message!

  3. Marvelous word Gary. Really spoke to my heart. Keep up the great work. We at MCC continue to pray for you all.

  4. “You have to slow down, run to solitude and allow the true spirit to reveal who you are, but more importantly, who He is.”

    I think sometimes we reflect what we believe to be true about our Father’s love for us. When I believe His love is shaky, changing, varying in degree, then I am shaky. But when I see the truth of the Father’s love for me, through revelation from His Spirit, the height and depth of it… that His love for me is so much bigger and more unchanging than anything I could do, then I am unshakeable. It’s like nothing can touch me when I am standing on that one truth.

    “Those who trust in the Lord are as Mount Zion. They shall not be moved.”

  5. Thank God I am surrounded every day by people breaking through the orphan spirit! Thank you for being the constant kick in the pants we need when we forget and try to be orphans again. Love you both. Come see us soon!

  6. Thank God I am surrounded every day by people breaking through the orphan spirit! Thank you for being the constant kick in the pants we need when we forget and try to be orphans again. Love you both. Come see us soon!