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Warning – the following is rated PG-13:

Monday was a national holiday in Swaziland. Everything is shut down for the annual “Reed” dance – or the King picking his new virgin bride.
As you are all enjoying your cookouts and family… The King of Swaziland had thousands of little girls dancing before him so he can pick his next girlfriend!

He has 14 wives and countless girlfriends, but is is national law that you have to bring your pre-teen and teenage daughters to this “Dance.”

As more and more dancers passed, it got noisier, and it got dustier…

Royal family (red feathers)
What a sight to see, and we need to understand culture, but your heart breaks watching the spirit of stupor at work…

The king’s entourage then appeared, proudly waving their knobkerries in the air

(don’t ask if you don’t know).

Standing proudly to attention, but better known for shouting at passers-by in Mbabane.

This is how the BlackTribe celebrated their Labor day this year… what a ride!

3 responses to “Reed Dance: How did you spend your Labor day?”

  1. As I viewed this I thought of the addage “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” Ed Silvoso believes that we have to go to/after the Nations with the gospel at the top levels as much as to the people in order to change the politics that creates poverty and corruption. It is only from the top down that change will take place and end this sort of bondage.

  2. Wow, culture really does throw you for a loop sometimes. If we could get the respect that this King gets down as Jesus should then we would get the message. Love you guys so much and am always thinking of you.

  3. Tradition is still holding sway in people who are resistant to change.Imagine, Jesus,son of the Most High, riding on a colt, the lowliest of all animals,but this mortal king,lor’help them to see light.