
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Continued from yesterday;

Recovering your identity 

Suppose you are now 40 and dating a 40 year old girlfriend, who quit developing emotionally at age 16.  How do she conduct herself “responsibly as an adult”, if she’s still only 16, emotionally?  And how do you, as a 40 year old man, relate to a 16 yr. old girl?  If she’s not your daughter, this is likely “trouble” in all 50 states, for starters!  Furthermore, how does a “16 year old adult” impart wisdom to her children, love her husband and support her family?

It is incumbent upon all of us to do the “work” necessary for us to become a “whole person”, rather than a person “full of holes”.   We must strive to become everything God intended for us to become from the moment He created us.  We are the apple of His eye and should never fall too far from the tree.  But what if our “arrested development” is a result of something that happened to us long ago, rather that an act we committed or a behavioral pattern we embraced? 

Ultimately, there are no victims, only volunteers

At some point, we must take responsibility of our lives and begin the process of “recovery”.  We must seek healing and wholeness, through embracing the light and life of Christ.  Additionally, we should solicit the help of those around us willing to impart spiritual, emotional, psychological, and material support.  If one part of the body hurts, the entire body suffers.

The closer one approaches authentic love, the more the unresolved issues of the past, rise to the surface to be healed.  If those issues are not dealt with properly and thoroughly, they sink below the surface, only to rise again, creating prolonged agony, struggle, anxiety and pain, both for that individual and those in their circle of care. 

No man or woman (even if they are your love interest or caregiver) is qualified or fully prepared to “heal” the issues of your arrested development.  Only qualified professionals and Christian counselors have the training and core competencies to deal effectively with your issues, but they can’t do their job, unless you are willing to do yours… And many times we must face the reality that most of us could use some good old fashion deliverance… much more on this later…