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From Seth:

Andrew Shearman, Gary Black and
I flew to Dallas a few weeks ago to meet. Ostensibly we were talking
about our dream of raising up a generation of radicals. But what do we
really mean by that? One of the litmus tests we apply is the “Die or
be killed” standard.

We’re looking for people so sold-out to Jesus that they’re willing to
die for their faith. At a minimum they need to have counted the cost
of their faith. Jesus is looking for unoffendable followers – if we
don’t commit to dying, he’ll go ahead and kill off that part of us that
doesn’t look like him. He tells us that in Matt. 21:44. The choice is
rather stark for those of us who want to do more than give our faith
lip service.

Andrew explains more in this video. The question is, “Are you
this type of Jesus-follower – so sold-out that you’re willing to die
for him?”

2 responses to “Raising Up Radicals: Die or Be Killed”

  1. Favorite Quote from Andrew Shearman:
    Some men die of bullets
    Some men die in flames
    Most men die, inch by inch
    Playing little games.