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This is a
partial list of problems found in the Quran, which to the best of our knowledge
remain unanswered. Your thoughts, comments, or explanations of any of the below
are welcomed.

Creation: The
biblical Genesis account says God created all in six days (see Genesis 1:1 –
2:2). The Quran, however, has a real problem here as Surah 41:9, 10, 12 have a
total of eight days of creation (4+2+2=8) Meanwhile, Surah 10:3 gives the total
number of days of creation as six. This is a problem of

Pharaoh: According
to the Quran (Surah 7:120-125) Pharaoh used crucifixion in dealing with the
sorcerers – a practice which historical evidence gives no precedent to before
the Babylonian Empire. This is once again a problem of historical

The Golden Calf:
According to the Quran (Surah 20:90-100)a Samaritan helped the Israelites build
the golden calf, and it mooed after coming out of the fire. In reality,
Samaritans did not exist as a people until at least 1000 years after the time of
the Moses and the Israelite exodus from
Again a problem of historical compression.

Judaism: According
to the Quran (Surah 9:30) the Jews believe that Ezra is the Son of God – the
Messiah. This never has been a tenet of Judaism. This is a clear problem of
distorted knowledge of other religions and historical fact.

Alexander the Great:
According to the Quran (Surah 18:89-98) Alexander the Great was a devout Muslim
and lived to a ripe old age. Historical records however show that Alexander the
Great died young at 33 years of age (b. 356 B.C. – d. 323 B.C.), and believed he
was divine, forcing others to recognize him as such. In
on the Hyphasis
River (now
Beas) Alexander erected twelve altars to twelve Olympian
gods. Once again the Quran shows errors in historical and religious

The Trinity:
According to the Quran (Surah 5:116, 5:73-75) the Christians believe in “three
Gods” – Father, Mother, and Son. This shows the influence of heretical
‘Christian’ sects in central Arabia at the
time of Muhammad. In contrast, Christianity has always distinctly stated that
the Trinity is the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit
. The teaching of the Quran on the Trinity has undoubtedly led to
confusion among many Muslims on what the Bible (and thus Christianity) teaches about the
Triune God.

Mary: According to
the Quran (Surah 19:28,
3:33-36), Mary, the mother of Jesus,
was the daughter of Imran or Amram, the father of Moses and Aaron. Mary is also
said to be the sister of Moses and Aaron. Clearly Muhammad confused Mary with
A second interesting point about Mary is the story of the date palm
speaking and offering its fruit to her (Surah 19:23). This legend is easily traced to similar legends
found in the apocryphal “Protoevangelium of James” the “Pseudo-Matthew” and “the
Gospel of the Nativity of Mary” all of which have been dated to the fourth to
sixth centuries, and were again believed by the sects found in
Arabia. (More indepth information on Quranic sources may
be found in Rev. W. St. Clair Tisdall’s The
Religion of the Crescent).

Textual Variants
in the Quran
: Many Muslims claim that the Quran today is
identical to the revelations received by Muhammad. However, there is
overwhelming unanswered evidence to the contrary. This includes evidence of
variations both prior to, and after Uthman.

How do we
view and respond to these unresolved problems of logic, history and religious
knowledge? While they do not serve as the basis for our belief that the Quran is
not the revelation of God (as there are issues of far greater consequence
between the message of the Bible and the message of the Quran), they do show us
that there are legitimate problems with the belief that the Quran is God’s
revelation to man, as God who is all knowing and infallible could not give
statements of error, and then claim them as His Truth. As Christians we find the
answer in the Bible. Numbers 23 tells us:

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man
that He should repent. Has He said, and He will not do? Or has He spoken, and He
will not make it good?” (vs.19)

God, who is
all knowing and all powerful, cannot be errant in His revelation to man. The
problems in the Quran and differences between the Bible and Quran are numerous,
leaving an unresolved difficulty for Islam which claims to be a fulfillment of
the Bible.

The following link provides further, more indepth discussion of the
above and other
problems in the

5 responses to “Problems and Contradictions in the Quran”

  1. My spirit groans for visions and dreams during this time of Ramadan. So many have witness Jesus come to them personally in this month. The Lord will be victorious and cover the whole earth with His presence. Blessings brother, love this stuff and I love the Muslims.

  2. come on, you have to be an ego maniac to believe that the son of your creator got crucified so you can eat pork & get drunk (The Old testament specifically says you can’t eat pork or get drunk)

    I think the problem is Organized religion. I think it makes you lose site of the fact that the main point of Judaism, Christianity & Islam was to believe in one God
    And God gave 99.999% of us the ability to tell right from wrong

    And people like you only prove my Point

    In India there are people that worship Cows yet you have pick Islam as your enemy a religion that 1.Believes in One Creator 2. A religion that believes in Jesus, the virgin marry & the Holy Spirits 3. Believes in the day of Judgment. etc

    as for your article
    Quran does not mention Alexander the Great even once also Alexander the great died well over 1000 years before Islam
    even if Dhul-Qarnayn refers to Alexander the Great it still proves nothing because all that means is that he was submitted to god
    And you don’t know what Alexander believed in
    Quran also claims every prophet from Adam to Noah to Moses & Jesus were all Muslims so what

    witch means your trying to deceive people so most likely your whole article is based on lies & BS

    Unlike Crazy Christians like you, Muslims don’t believe that their God is different from yours or that you or the Jews pray to a different God
    Muslims believe that Jews & Christians pray to the same god they do because there is only one creator

    Allah is not the name of the Muslim God it just means God
    like the word “God” is not the name of God its just a word used to describe the creator

  3. I read 1/3 of the Koran and gave up after reading that GOD would allow a man to hit his wife if she was disobedient.
    I personally find this very difficult to believe that a loving GOD would sanctify such a thing in a religious household.

    Areas of the bible also confuse my mind.

    May Jesus come quickly to bring about the new system of things.


    email: [email protected]

    September 24, 2012


    Dear Friend,

    The owner of is not able to take care of the site anymore. The site has not been updated for the last nine months. Any organization that shares the same values is welcomed to take it over. The owner of the site is willing to sponsor the site for another three years. If you are interested please contact us. If you know of someone else who might be interested please ask them to take it over. is the only website that does the following:

    It contrasts the original text of the three main religious books: Genesis, Mathew and the Quran with science.
    The site is dedicated to the Scientific Annotation of the Holy Books. It displays the original text and beside each verse, it displays comments about the problems of the verse with Science, Contradictions or the abuse of Women.
    The site operates in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Urdu.
    The site operates on Wikimedia software that allows volunteers to edit and improve it.
    The site operates a course with 12 chapters titled “God and the holy books”. The course is in the above ten languages.

    Please contact us at [email protected] with any suggestions.

    Yours truly,



  5. Hi,
    Jesus died for the forgiveness of sins so that all could be reconciled back to God. The Bible, both before and after Jesus, does not prevent you from drinking alcohol, though there are many verses about drunkeness being stupidity, but it does allow you to drink for health concerns and relaxing. The Apostle Paul allowed for the eating of pork so as to stop the self-righteous Jews from preventing the gentiles (any non-Jews) from receiving salvation. This is because Jesus died for all, Jews and non-Jews alike and that faith in Him leads to salvation, by God’s grace, not our works or attempts to be holy. For a wider look, the Old Testament laws stated that pork was among the unclean foods but the religious leaders of Jesus’ time only superficially followed God’s laws, observing the minutia (food rules) and disobeying the greater commands. Thus Jesus taught that “It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that defiles and dishonors him, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles and dishonors him” – Matthew 15:11. Our actions are what defile us, not just food. In the same way, the Apostle Paul taught that to eat what you believe is unclean is sin but it is not a sin for you to eat what you believe is clean, the true sin is there when you judge the one who eats or does not eat and that if you eat what you are unsure of, or do that which you are unsure of, it is a sin, for this cleanness comes from faith but if your faith is shaky about it, your actions are not from faith, for reference, read, Romans 14.
    You can find out more about Alexander the Great in the Quran here (wikipedia)
    Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian nor a Muslim as neither of these religions existed in the time of Jesus, the same goes for His predecessors. (although, I suppose that since Jesus believed in His death and resurrection, He could be classified as a Christian, however, He followed the Torah and observed Jewish laws so He is more of a Jew, as Christianity, in it’s modern form, formed after His ascension.)