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I received this email early today about my friend and brother in Swaziland, Africa; Pastor Gift… as we pray for the orphans of the world, the poor and needy – we need to remember to always pray for the people that are serving them day in and day out; Gift runs our Children’s Village, trains our teachers and pastors our G42 Church… My wife cannot join us on our vision trip next week as she has some medical issues, please continue to pray for her… this was Gifts response via email to hearing that news about Lisa…




I have read with great concern about the health of Mrs. Black and very disappointed that we would not be blessed by her infectuous smile and caring heart in this trip. I do not know how am I going to explain this to the gogo’s as it would bring a lot of tears. We will hold a special prayer for her and as we cry to the Lord we are confident that he will hear us and make her whole.


Thank you once again for always reviving my spirit. You are kononia made real in my life. You are unselfish and thoughtful of others despite your circumstances. May the Lord remember you as he did Cornelius in the book of  Holy Spirit’s Acts.


Looking forward to meeting you face to face. The devil does not give up man of God. Yesterday I was mugged and robbed by five men. A lady that used to listen to our radio program found my identity cards and driver’s license abadoned in a kombi with about R800 missing. Any way, I am going to the police station to fetch my cards and I am alive.  JESUS LIVES!



Please pray for Gift and his family today – R800 ($90) is two months wages in Swazi.

8 responses to “Prayer for Pastor Gift”

  1. will continue praying for pastor gift and lisa as well… both have been vital in bringing life and joy back to nsoko, and will continue to do so! : )

  2. We are praying for Lisa…for your family…for peace in the midst of these broken circumstances…for logistics, and for rest in the embrace of great Love.

  3. I lifted Lisa and Gift before the Lord. May His will be done! God bless you and your family! I’m sure the transition back to the U.S. cannot be easy so may the Lord be with you and give you wisdom.

  4. good to see a new blog…:) like to hear what’s going on with ya’ll. much love to lisa and praying for everyone.

  5. Praying for Lisa and Pastor Gift!! It was nice to have met him and see the church and various care points on our visit to Swaziland in May. May we not get discouraged in the walk before us.