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I have had a few WR’s ask about “Pressing in” How do you spend time with the Lord and really press into His heart?!

In 1990 Larry Lea taught me how to “Tarry” in prayer; praying the way that Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. If it’s good enough for them… well… I pray this way most every morning.

Matt 6:9 the Lord’s Prayer: (I can give you this is much greater detail if you would like it)

1)Hallowed be your name, (this is your worship time, just tell God how much you love Him, what He means to you, take about 5 to 15 minutes or the whole prayer time letting Him know how much He means to you) Name the names of God.

2) Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Bring heaven down to earth over yourself, your family, your friends – “Jesus, your kingdom come your will be done over Gary Black today, bring heaven down on him”)!

3) Give us today our daily bread. (what are your needs, your specific bills, money that needs raised etc -I want what you have for me today God, YOUR daily bread Lord)!

4) Forgive us our debts, (sins), (Lay your sins and life at the `cross! Name your sin, give it to God and ask for TRUE repentance)

5) as we also forgive our debtors. (or those that sin against us) I forgive so-and-so, God, make me a man that forgives! List everybody you need to release, and forgive them)

6) Lead us not into temptation. (I break every plan of the enemy over my life today, any temptation that comes; I rebuke now and say I will walk in an opposite spirit)!

7) Deliver us from the evil one. (I rebuke you devil, you will not steel, kill or destroy any thing or any body in my life today – I resist you in Jesus name and bind myself to the thoughts and ways of God today – Rebuke the devil over your life, your families life, and stand)

I pray this way almost every day! Of course, I pray in the Spirit in-between, out loud to build my Spirit man up… but I promise, if you pray this way, the way Jesus told us to, you can pray for 15 minutes or three hours… finish by worshiping again.

For yours is the Kingdom, the Glory and the Power – amen! Declare His authority over your life… good way to start the day!

3 responses to “Pray like the Disciples”

  1. THanks for posting this Gary! This was one my favorite teachings from you this year… well, among many… except the one Colleen and I missed while we were on secret meanuvers for final debrief! Can’t wait for my next round at your kitchen table 🙂 Love you!

  2. I spend more time one on one with teens talking about praying the Lords prayer and then subsequently living it out. Yet, I have never challenged any of them to pray for specific needs as a daily discipline. Naturally, that means I myself am not praying for needs as a daily discipline.

    I appreciate the insight and challenge to grow in the arena of prayer in my word and deed.

  3. I prayed like this for the first time in a long time on my drive from Colorado to St.Louis. Before I knew it I had been praying for two hours. The Lord is amazing! The Lord had refreshed and renewed me. He even began showing me my team mates and what their specific gifts and abilities are and how he is going to use them. Lord, continue to give me your eyes to see my brothers and sisters and to love them unconditionally.

    This a great reminder for me of that time spent with God. I WANT MORE!