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Thoughts & Inspiration

Yesterday we learned how to put a solid and steady prayer life together. Pray as Jesus told us to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. Again, if you will use this outline, and pray the different names of God; Jehovah-tsidkenu (The Lord my Righteousness) or Jehovah-shalom (The Lord is Peace), Jehovah-rophe (the Lord Who Heals) – there are 8 of them that are wonderful to declare – it will awaken you to a whole new level of intimacy, and set a sure foundation of a good prayer life… but…

If you want to take your prayer life to a completely awesome and even greater level; you have to learn how to pray like the Acts 4 Saints; you have to learn to pray like the Apostles!

Acts 4:13-37 – just camp in this place of scripture for few days or years…

1)      Verse 24 – “they raised their voices together in prayer to God”

2)      They declared Him as Author and King, (Verse 24)

3)      Reminded Him what He said thru David (Verse 25-26)

4)      Declared His authority over the “System” (don’t let the man drag you down)!

5)      Asked for boldness and the ability to Heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders.

Verse 31 – “And after they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

From verse 32 on it tells you how they lived because of their prayer life… “They were one in heart and mind” “No one proclaimed that any of his possessions was his own, but the shared everything that they had” “They walked in great power, their was no needy among them and their was much grace upon them all”!

When we first started Rock The Nations in the early 90’s this happen. Praying in Pasadena, CA. Lou Engle, Rusty Carlson and others were praying this way out of Acts 4. As the prayer meeting ended, the place were we stood was shaken! The floor moved, the walls shook – it was a pretty good earth quake, right as we said amen! It was a holy and awesome moment… one that will live with me forever.

That next night we saw healings, miraculous signs and wonders – as we prayed legs grew back to normal, angels were ascending and descending in the building, I could write a book on what we experienced; it was the most “Holy” nights and times I have ever known.

I want it back… anybody want to pray this way?