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From Seth Barnes:

Last night I wrote a quick blog about an alarming situation that one of
my friends shared with me. Over 80 of you have responded that you’ll pray!
What a demonstration of love from a group of Jesus-followers. I shared
this with my friend and he and his family are so thankful. He said that
one immediate result is that his sister was able to sleep through the night for
the first time in a while and her family did not receive any death threats.

Here are a few more details that I’ve gotten permission to
share with you: My friend’s name is John. We’ll call his sister
“Sharon.” It is John’s brother-in-law Chris and another family that we
really need to pray protection for. The family member who wants to kill
them is Chris’s father. He hates his son more than anyone in the world.
He called him 50 times yesterday threatening him. John tried to call the
dad, but the dad has turned his phone off.

Some of you have asked, “Why haven’t you alerted the
authorities?” John has thought of doing so, but all the statutes would
allow is to lock up Chris’s father for 72 hours. This, John feels, would
only antagonize him and make things worse.

This morning the AIM staff met for prayer. Most of
them know John and understand the seriousness of the situation. Please
pray protection for Chris and the other family. Pray that Chris’s dad
would be set free.

We’re compiling a mailing list of all those who are
praying. If you know anyone else who wants to join us, please have them
go to yesterday’s blog and put their name and email down in the comment
section. From here on out, I’ll be sending out email updates when I get
new information.

God bless you all and thank you so much. You’ve
already made a big difference to a couple of families.

One response to “Pray Against the Kingdom of Darkness”

  1. I didn’t get the blog, but I feel empathy for your friends. Many are roaming around, exercising an agenda of “steal, kill, and destroy”. Our job is to resist the evil one, wage war against him and defeat him, through the power of the Almighty and the power of united prayer. I’m joining with you in this battle. No weapon formed against Chris and the unnamed family will prosper.