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This Christmas: Party with a Purpose!

Posted in General Articles by Ericka Bennett on 11/17/2008

Yesterday I encouraged you to change your Christmas shopping plans to include purchases that help those in need around the world. Today, I’d like you to consider changing your party plans too.
As you start making your Christmas party plans, do you really need another round of “Dirty Santa” or another “Christmas Ornament Swap”?  This Christmas, don’t get caught up in consumerism. Instead, have a party that reflects the true  “Reason for the Season” – giving HOPE!
The reason Jesus came to earth was to bring HOPE to the hopeless. This Christmas you can bring hope to thousands of desperate orphans in Swaziland, Africa.

Host a Reason for the Season Party!
Get your party started with the great resources below! Choose the party kit that best fits your group:
THE BASICS:  $5 (shipping)

•    Donation Gift Certificates (Christmas card style – to give in honor/memory of a loved one)
•    Nsoko Project DVDs to show and distribute
•    The Sound of Hope buttons

•    Timbali craft brochures

•    Sound of Hope T-shirt order forms
•    Sign up sheets ( for those interested in taking a vision trip to Swaziland, and for more info)

Level 1: $100
1 Sound of Hope shirt

3 Timbali Purses
+ The Basics

Level 2: $300
5 Sound of Hope shirts

10 Timbali Purses
+ The Basics 

Level 3: $500

5 Sound of Hope shirts

20 Timbali bags
+ The Basics 

We encourage you to get creative and make this party your own. It can be done any way you want, and can incorporate as many great ideas as you can come up with! Below is a list of suggestions:

•    Sell raffle tickets for the t-shirts and purses,
     OR charge a fee at the door and give them away as door-prizes

•    For level 2 & 3, sell t-shirts and purses to party-goers for Christmas gifts
•    Make donation boxes to sit around at the event. (*get creative while decorating them!)

•    Have the Nsoko DVD playing on the TV or computers around the event
•    Have laptops available with our website up for people who want to donate online by credit card

•    Get food and drinks donated from local businesses/restaurants, or get friends to pitch in

•    Get singers/musicians to volunteer to be the live music for the event
•    Get friends or local businesses to donate items and hold a silent auction

•    Get local businesses/philanthropists to agree to ‘match funds’ (make a donation to match whatever you raise that night) – then you double (or triple!) your income for orphans!

To host a party, contact us at: [email protected] 

or leave a comment on this blog.
Let us know which Party Kit you’d like and we’ll respond with payment instructions and other info.
*Please allow 5 to 7 business days after receiving your donation for party kit delivery.
*All kits will be filled with merchandise as described while supplies last.