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Thoughts & Inspiration

Things are going very well here in Africa; our house is being worked on and should be ready in the next couple weeks, the kids school is two blocks from the house and the girls will be doing drama and dance, Tyler is on the Cricket team, Michael will be playing on the Jr. Golf team and Caleb is playing Soccer…

Speaking of Caleb, he came to me last night in tears; “Dad, me and my brothers have been fighting over the I Pods, fighting over close and these kids I play soccer with don’t even know what an I Pod is. They don’t have a mom and most of them have never met their dad, I just want to bring the light of Jesus to the field every day and teach them how much God loves them and how He really feels about them, dad, can I go everyday and tell them?” He was weeping and weeping, so I pulled his brothers in the room so they could here the spirit of the living God turning their little brothers heart towards the Swazi people.
 As Caleb spoke, his brothers put their heads down, didn’t say a word until he was done; they looked up at the same time, never looking at me and repented to their little brother. Tyler told him how proud he was of him that he was actually being more mature then him. Michael said the same and every one of us went to bed with tears in our eyes and woke up very thankful and full of joy today.

“From the lips of my children and infants you have ordained praise”

The witch craft here and lack of hope in the people’s hearts is very real and sobering, but the more people like Caleb that come, the more the Light of Jesus will shine on the faces of these precious people and the sickness of the heart will be replaced with the joy of the Lord!

Come thy kingdom, be done thy will, today in America, Africa and the world!