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Sunday was Lisa‘s and my seventh wedding
anniversary! In many ways, it feels like we have 20 years of depth and history,
and in some ways, it was just yesterday that we fell in love…

Marriage is about covenant; it’s about commitment, and
not settling for anything less then making it work, no matter what! Trust me, I
know very well; in fact, I have first-hand experience at not being able to make a
marriage work.

When there is adultery, abandonment, abuse, you still do everything you can, but at the end of the day, sometimes it has to end. But,
covenant is about not having a choice to end things and having a marriage that
is about 100% from me and 100% from Lisa.

Lisa is writing a book right now on blended families (which is about 60% of the American Church now) and how you survive divorce,
abandonment, failure, and still raise godly children that understand what God
meant by marriage. I read a couple of the chapters yesterday and really believe
it will be a best-seller!

This book reveals that God doesn’t hate divorce because
it is the “unforgivable sin.” He hates it because of what it does to His sons
and daughters – a tearing of your very flesh. It feels as though your heart is
ripped out of your chest, really. But there is hope!

My wife’s legacy is not only going to be how she brought
me back to life, empowered me, made me into a great husband and father. It’s not
just going to be about how she mothered three boys that were broken and confused
and helped them become amazing men of God and world-changers. It will not just
be about how she carried two baby girls who walked around the house looking for their Daddy years
after he died and made them into two of the most godly, sweet, fully-alive women of purpose.

Lisa’s legacy will be about how she
did that for us and how she did that for thousands of young American kids,
thousands of orphans around the world and for a generation of broken men and
women that need to find truth in the midst of total despair.

My wife, my love, my friend, thank you for seven years.
It hasn’t been easy, and it won’t get easier, but we will always have each other
to laugh with and grow old with. Happy Anniversary.

9 responses to “Our Seventh Wedding Anniversary”

  1. Congratulations! What an amazing God and what an amazing wife he has blessed you with! Happy Anniversary to both of you! Much love from the entire Johnson Tribe.

  2. Son: God brought you the same type of wife he brought me 49 years ago. Loving, supportive, encouraging, a true Prov. 31:10… wife. She is why you are so successful spiritually and all of you have such a deep relationship with the Lord, you will never know how proud I am of you and Lisa is much of the reason. Your father.

  3. Lisa this book is very needed…I am so proud of you for writing it!! God uses all our pain to create hope in HIM alone…not in anything else…not even the ideal of marriage can bring life to us…It is Him…and Him alone…

    Love you!

  4. “This book reveals that God doesn’t hate divorce because it is the ‘unforgivable sin.’ He hates it because of what it does to His sons and daughters – a tearing of your very flesh.”

    Thank you for saying it that way. More broken people need to hear the heart of God.

    Praying Lisa’s book will minister beyond her wildest imagination.

  5. Gary and Lisa…congratulations! As you know, this one really touched me, on many levels…thank you so much for the model you are, to so many, in so many different ways.
    With great admiration and love!

  6. Gary and Lisa…congratulations! As you know, this one really touched me, on many levels…thank you so much for the model you are, to so many, in so many different ways.
    With great admiration and love!

  7. Thankyou for honoring our amazing girl.
    God has given her wisdom far beyond her years. She has endured more than anyone (especially her parents)would want to see her suffer but she has allowesd the Lord to turn her ashes into beauty.
    Congrats and many,many more. Love mom and dad