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True Inheritance:

Of course we know about our eternal inheritance and how we
get it; what about our earthly inheritance? I am not talking about the money or
stuff your parents could leave you, although I pray it is a lot! I am talking
about the CALL or purpose to which you were born and how you go and get it;
your true inheritance or why you are here.

Our kids are the main reason we are here in Swaziland, Africa.
We are helping AIM feed, disciple, educate, over 2000 orphans. We are
building an amazing project in the worst area of Swazi, a “Children’s Village
for double orphans. Our leadership school has partnered with the most
progressive business and schools here in Africa
and is getting a lot of attention.

Lisa started an “I AM” box project for the
underprivileged kids, and my radio program is very popular and reaches over 2.4
million Africans each week. But while Lisa and I were praying together the
other day, the Lord told us to SLOW down and remember why we are here… our six

God has given us the privilege and asked us to steward these
six lives for a short time. The girls have had to deal with the death of a
daddy, the boys have had to deal with the rejection from family, and Lisa and I
have watched the pain of this for years. Of course, we want to jump in and fix
the pain, try and make everything okay for them, but the Lord stops us and
reminds us that they were His kids before the were ours and that He really
knows what He is doing, much better than us!

The kids do not fully know what their inheritance is, yet.
Alexis knows she is called to the prostitutes in Asia,
but she doesn’t know what that looks like. Tyler
knows he will be back in Africa and work with
his granddad, but how does he get there? While they are under my roof, I must
help them get those pieces; that is part of my inheritance.

Each one of them is gaining a piece of their inheritance
that can only come by some suffering, questioning, living in a strange land
away from their friends and grandparents, and finding God on their own in all
of it. He told us to bring them here for a season and watch what he does – away
from running around to this sporting event or that – away from prom,
mega-church, and being inundated with entertainment.

Don’t get me wrong; these things are great, and I love
them all, but I believe there is a new time coming and that God is raising up a
remnant that is not distracted by it all. Can my kids be a part of it? I
certainly hope so.

As parents, we love to try and protect our kids from the reality
of life, but God just might know what he is doing better than us. Give your
kids to Him again today; it just might help them gain another piece of their true