This is from one of our World Racers – Ian Schumann – Please continue to cover these guys and prayer and watch them come alive!
The Opening Volley
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Posted in General by Ian Schumann on 10/20/2008
For our two teams down here in Mindanao, life this month has been fairly easy, given the givens. But on Friday the 17th, we had our eyes opened.
It started the day before. A Transformers girl, Alex, got a stomach bug and a mean fever–mean enough to bail on dinner and crash at the campsite. The caretakers on our teams stepped in to care for Alex that evening. Symptoms matched a 24-hour virus thing that we’d seen already, and so the prescription was rest, water, observation and some medication.
Things were rough in the girls’ room that night. The crux of the night, sometime in the wee hours, had Alex collapsed and shaking on the bathroom floor, surrounded by teammates who boldly prayed her through a climax of fear, disorientation, and panic. The fever had not been just a fever.
The following day, over dinner, Alex and her teammates told us the whole story. What’s nuts is that Alex had had many nasty fevers before, been sick and achy and even hospitalized plenty of times to recognize the signs, to take care of herself. But these signs weren’t recognizable, and she was helpless. This enemy was as much spiritual as biological. It was constriction. Suffocation. Oppression. It was panic.
As the full depth of the truth was hitting us, our Australian missionary friend Ami suddenly couldn’t breathe. This was inexplicable, out of nowhere! If it were possible to miss the full import of Alex’s story, now there could be no doubt. This thing was real, and it was happening right then.
We rushed to Ami’s side and prayed against whatever the heck was happening. People stepped up like we hadn’t seen before. Gifts were released, roles revealed. We learned a lot about each other in that time. We stayed for half an hour praying, singing, edifying Ami, rebuking the enemy in our midst. We came out of that time bonded, galvanized, and awakened to the threat around us. The 13 of us slept in the same room, rotating 2-by-2 in shifts of covering prayer throughout the night.
That’s the story.
A few weeks ago I wrote about how Gary Black was scary. I’ve now seen that, in large part, Gary was just trying to prepare us, to wake us up to the reality of what we were walking into. This mission is not just building shelter, teaching minds, edifying hearts–we are at work in a spiritual battleground. We’re breaking bondage, healing soul wounds, establishing little patches of Kingdom wherever we go. We are inadvertently inviting attack. And on Friday, it came.
I warned you this might come. Friends, sorry if this is weird. I can read too, and my words look like sketchy Christianese nonsense. I’m aware of how I sound, and I understand your skepticism, even your concern that me and my teammates are being misled.
Gary and Lisa, Praise be to God. Did Alex walk away delivered? How is she doing today? This story has hit home harder then you know. Lisa had us over for dinner last night, and I was sharing about my Naple Mission trip. When I came to the end of all the miracles God had done, I told them about my anxiety attack on the plane. I said it was so real, my husband sat beside me and my christian friends all around me. It was real and I had panic on that long dark flight going home. I knew it was getting worse so I called out to the Lord to stop this feeling inside of me. I prayed and meditated a long time, silently. I was better I thought. After years of being home from that trip I had a bad attack one night, they ran me to the hospital. I had all kinds of prayer go up from family and friends. I have been fine since. Last night Lisa listened to the story, and said Mom it sounds like demons came on you from Nepal. As soon as she said it I knew it to be true. My husband and I have prayed over the years for many deliverance’s. Satin is a liar and very subtle. Beware kids, stay under your coverings. Listen to the voice of God, walk in prayer for Satin does go about like a roaring lion, ready to pounce on us. But GOD is our strenth and refuge in him will we trust. Love Mom
What a joy to read this reality ! Because of Christ : This is the victory that HAS overcome the world , even our faith !
Wow this is AWESOME!!!
Scary but TRUE! As mom always says “if you don’t meet the devil head on, you must be walking the same direction he is”….
Sounds like Ian is doing great! He’s going to give the devil FITS! I can see it….
Excellent story! Praise Jesus for preparing us what we all know and what we all know is out there. It’s so encouraging to hear that their team is walking in their calls and doing the “stuff”. We’re stinkin’ thrilled…