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While I was in Las Vegas over a week ago, I heard a powerful teaching series from Mike Bickle that I wanted to share, with some of my own notes added.

Mike is the founder of International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, MO. He and his team of hundreds have established a house of 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a
week “Harp and Bowl” worship and prayer for over eight years now,

Mike preached this message the night before The Call Las Vegas – I was on my
face, crying out with conviction to the Lord. I pray that it has the same
effect on you. The gist of the teaching is this:

We have two inheritances on earth – our heart inheritance and our ministry
inheritance. Our primary inheritance is our heart connection with Jesus. Satan
seeks to steal this aspect of our inheritance, knowing that by doing this he
will also gain access to our ministry inheritance.

This is a teaching on the
End Times and how prepared we are to “watch” for God and know Him as
the Bridegroom, the King and the Judge.

Folks, we
will experience the tribulation at some level – you will see through this
teaching that those whose lamps have oil and know the Holy Spirit and those
that are running around doing good things for God, but neglect getting the oil,
will have an encounter.

Those that have taken the time to gain oil cannot just give to those that have
not, or should we say that those people and ministries that are running around
doing “good things” cannot buy from
those that take the time to hear the voice of the Lord and know Him intimately.
“Lovers” always out work “doers.”

If you
would like the full 18-page outline of this teaching, please let me know. I’m
sure Mike would be happy that I sent it to you. Remember, God’s judgment
is the release of His ultimate love for you and me. I’ll start sharing the teaching tomorrow…

13 responses to “Oil of Intimacy Teaching from Mike Bickle”

  1. Hi Gary: so sorry I missed seeing you when you were in town!

    My sister sent this encourgement to me today…I thought of you and Lisa on many levels…wanted to send it to you too..

    John Piper was a prof of mine at Bethel College in MSP MInn…He is now a Pastor at a large Baptist church in Mpls…Please share it with Lisa…
    Love and Miss you all so much…


    At first I pretended that my reasoning was high-minded and philosophical.
    But really I just wanted to drink gallons of cheap sangria and sleep around.
    Four years of this and I was strung out, stupefied and generally pretty low.
    Especially when I was sober or alone.

    My parents, who are strong believers and who raised their kids as well as
    any parents I’ve ever seen, were brokenhearted and baffled. I’m sure they
    were wondering why the child they tried to raise right was such a ridiculous
    screw-up now. But God was in control.

    One Tuesday morning, before 8 o’clock, I went to the library to check my
    e-mail. I had a message from a girl I’d met a few weeks before, and her
    e-mail mentioned a verse in Romans. I went down to the Circle K and bought a
    40-ounce can of Miller High Life for $1.29. Then I went back to where I was
    staying, rolled a few cigarettes, cracked open my drink, and started reading
    Romans. I wanted to read the verse from the e-mail, but I couldn’t remember
    what it was, so I started at the beginning of the book. By the time I got to
    chapter 10, the beer was gone, the ashtray needed emptying and I was a

    The best way I know to describe what happened to me that morning is that God
    made it possible for me to love Jesus. When He makes this possible and at
    the same time gives you a glimpse of the true wonder of Jesus, it is
    impossible to resist His call.

    Don’t Let Go
    “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” (Psalm 126:5, ESV).
    My main memory of Abraham’s prodigal years is tears. As I knelt in prayer, I
    would remember the 9-year-old Abraham walking with me to 6:30 a.m. winter
    prayer meetings-willingly. I would take hold of Jesus’ cloak and cry:

    “O Jesus, please, don’t let go of him.”

    He was never more than a breath away. One moment I would be rejoicing over
    some simple blessing, and then suddenly he was there, a heaviness, an ache.
    I would wonder what he was doing. And I would pour another prayer into the
    great censer before the throne.

    Then there was fear. Will he destroy himself? Will he ruin a girl’s life?
    Will he get a disease? Will he turn out to be an Esau? To survive I had to
    make the daily transfer: “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain
    you” (Psalm 55:22). Every day the sorrow was new. Every day sustaining
    mercies were new (Lamentations 3:23).

    All the while God was making me a broken-hearted pastor. God loves His
    people through the pain of His shepherds. None of our sufferings is wasted.
    We do not graduate from the seminary of sorrows in this life. But oh, how
    glad I am that this class is over, and Abraham is home. Thank You, Jesus,
    for not letting go.

    John Piper is pastor for preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church in

  2. My spirit was being fed as I read this material. I would love to read and hear more. May I please have a copy of the 18 page message?
    Thanks, ken

  3. Please can i have a copy. these words came to me in the prayer room today. i need more information!

  4. nesecito el material hermanomike bickle,para venezuela se lo sabre agradecer,lo bendigo en el nombre de jesus

  5. nesecito el material hermanomike bickle,para venezuela se lo sabre agradecer,lo bendigo en el nombre de jesus

  6. nesecito el material hermanomike bickle,para venezuela se lo sabre agradecer,lo bendigo en el nombre de jesus

  7. nesecito el material hermanomike bickle,para venezuela se lo sabre agradecer,lo bendigo en el nombre de jesus

  8. nesecito el material hermanomike bickle,para venezuela se lo sabre agradecer,lo bendigo en el nombre de jesus

  9. Hello. I would like to request a copy of Mike’s teaching. Thanks so much for sharing! much appreciated!

  10. I recently heard about the Oils of Intimacy from someone at IHOP 😀 I’d love the entire teaching if you’re willing 😀 thank you so much!