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It happened. And I have to say I was taken by surprise…

Yesterday, we had our ground breaking ceremony for the new Children’s Village we
are building in Nsoko, Swaziland and it was the most
powerful encounter I have had in Africa to

As the Chiefs of the area, the businessmen, go-gos and our
team gathered, the presence of God was strong.

I started with a prayer of faith: “God, you say you will give
us everywhere we place our foot, that we can take dominion and authority.”

blessed the land, the people and thanked God through tears for what He was
doing for the orphans and people of Africa.

It hit me that this was a huge part of the reason we are
here – these local Swazis have been praying for us to come for years, and the
Lord was answering their prayers right in front of all of our eyes.

The Chiefs, police director and the Chief’s son who is taking
over the whole area, thanked us, wept and said, “If this project fails, it’s on
our shoulders. We welcome you, thank you and are here to serve you.”

It was a humbling, exciting hour of dedication and
realization of a dream. I want to see this happen hundreds of times over –
please join us and thank the Lord for what He has started!