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What do you say about your hero? The person in your life that you want to be like… the one individual that helps life make sense and life would be seemingly impossible with out…

After many years of putting pastors, friends, and others on pedestals, I have one man that has stood the test of time and proven who he is; over and over… my dad.

Last night at about 11:45 I received a call from my mom. She was crying, shaken, and, of course, putting everyone else first, telling me that everything was ok.

It was my mother’s 50th class reunion and her and dad headed up to Golden Colorado. It was their first time away in years… a hotel room, old friends and a night away from everything. My mother was very excited and couldn’t wait to get away.

For 47 years my dad and mom have been parents. Raising my brother, sister and me was not enough. We moved many people in over the years; including my brothers best friend when we were kids because he was being abused. A young lady from Scotland that had no other home… over and over they put their own needs aside and served everybody else.

Since 1991 they have had custody of two of their special needs grandkids. They have raised them faithfully and still have them today – they have never been without children living under their roof, and they have always put their lives on hold to serve everybody else… pretty good resume for heroship…

Back to the call from my mom – “Your dad was standing in line at the buffet and passed out. He tried to stand up, fell down again, and started to convulse. He is in the ambulance headed to the hospital”! My mother was afraid; I could hear it in her voice.

Everything changes at that moment. “Mom needs me; dad needs me, there is nothing I can do”.  Lisa and I go right to the Lord and do the only thing we know how to do… we pray, trust and know that God is in control and will have His way… so, we  find rest.

My dad – my hero, is at home tonight, resting and stable. But, if I’m honest, the world is different today… the responsibility of being a son – being the one that carries the legacy, the integrity, the faith that this man has laid the foundation for… well, the world is different… “Prefer everyone above yourself” Now that’s a hero…