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Here is a letter I wrote to my six amazing chlidren last night – a couple of them asked me to share it with you…

I am leaving for Hong Kong and I just want to say I love you… not like a normal, “hey, have a great day at school, love you” but, – I really love you.

I have always asked a lot from you and expected a lot – I was thinking about all the other kids I have always coached in football, softball or discipled. I have been an awesome dad and I have failed you. I will fail you again. Why are my kids always the best?

Why is Tyler always the best on the field – the kid everyone wants their sons to hang with?
Why is Alexis always the one everyone comes to, everyone dumps on?
Why is Michael the MVP, (girls that is Most Valuable Player on a team) and Most Inspirational of every team he plays for? Why does Emily reach out to the people most don’t reach out to? Why is she turning into the most beautiful girl on campus? Why is Caleb the MVP of defense and MVP of his team? Why does everybody love him?
Noah, you brought this whole family together and you get to walk in the blessing more then us all… you are 10 feet tall in the spirit… enough said!

Tyler, Lex, Em, Mike, Caleb, Noah – you have the favor of God! God rests on you… He pursues you and He delights in you. Not that God doesn’t delight in others, because of course, He does! But, I can tell you – I have been around thousands and thousands of young people your age… you really get, and get His heart.

I could stop as a father right now and it would be ok. I have woke up in the mornings to tell you of God’s character and His love, but, you know Him and He knows you – is that enough?

I guess if I could tell you one last thing it would be… your job, your friends, what people say about you, what they think, what you think. Your marriage, your abilities, your weaknesses, your sin, your holiness, your thoughts do not define you. How good you are, how bad you are; none of this says who you are…

God said who you are – you are Alexis Noelle and Emily Elise – daughters of the King. Tyler Dwayne, Michael Ryan, Caleb Alexander and Noah William – you are sons of the King. I believe in you, your mom believes in you, your grandparents believe in you – but, others don’t and will not – you each have lost and been abandoned. But… you know who and who’s you are… is that enough?

No matter how much you are loved or unloved – you get it all! I am proud of you and will always be with you… no matter what… believe.

14 responses to “No matter what…”

  1. Gary,

    Thank you for being an awesome father to my brother’s daughters. I cannot say enough because it would fall short. Just always know I admire the man you are and the father you have been and continue to be. I know my brother is smiling!

  2. I could not agree more, you and Lisa have done an awesome job. Kids a supposed to TRY us, that is how we mature and become better parents and how they grow up and learn to live on their own and Gods merits.

  3. This totally brought me to tears! You do have the best family and the most amazing sons and daughters! I’m so glad that you posted this what a great reminder of how God sees us!

  4. i am blessed to be a part of this amazing family!
    gary and lisa have been great spiritual parents to me!!
    i love you ALL very much! see you soon 🙂

  5. what beautiful children we have! you are an amazing dad,
    I love all seven of you!!
    the Mama


  7. Good words, Gary. Can’t wait to be a part of all of that awesomeness in a few months!

  8. hey dad great blog lve yah thanks also for the awsome season thanks for brinnging my inner footbll player out love you your a great coach.

  9. You have a beautiful family, we cannot remember then enough in our prayers and thanksgivings. Their sacrifice in letting you come here to HK, letting you and Lisa coach us is beyond imagination. So thank you, thank you Tyler, Lex, Emily, Mike, Caleb, and Noah. You all, as much as your parents, have blessed our lives.
    -WR Oct 08

  10. I got chills reading this. I fall more in love with your family everyday Gary! I’m only beginning to see the depth of beauty, strength and anointing that you know over your kids. It is such a blessing to be around you all!