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of my very best friends in the world is Mike Paschall. Mike walks in a
powerful “Pastoral” and “Prophetic” anointing, but his main service to
the body of Christ is raising up “Spiritual Sons and Daughters” He has
an unique way of discipleship… the following is from one of his
“Spiritual Sons” Paul Allison. Paul is an artist, entrepreneur and
father of 4 sons – this is a great example of calling people to not
stay were they are in the real world…

Last weekend, I was at a restaurant in Waco
with some friends when I stepped outside to take a phone call. Out of
the corner of my eye, I notice a man trying to get my attention. He was
sitting on bench along the wall of a row of eating establishments. I
quickly surmised that he was looking for a handout of some kind and I
was correct. He said his name was David and that he was just a “bum”
out trying to make it.

visited with him for a minute and he gave me the spill. I took out my
wallet and opened it (knowing that I didn’t have a single greenback)
and showed him that I was just as broke he was. After all, $7.00 beers
will drain the wallet in a hurry. In a moment of inspiration he made me
aware of the possibility that the restaurant might have an ATM machine.
I simply ignored that bit of info and asked him if he would like some
food. He said that a hamburger would be fine so in I went.

walked in the place, ordered a hamburger and fries and then visited
until the food arrived. I felt good, I guess, about helping someone
out. Just knowing that this meal would sustain him long enough for me
to get gone and get home gave me a sense of peace.

the meal was ready to go and I took it out to my self-proclaimed “bum.”
I could see the obvious disappointment when he realized that I was not
going to give him any money. By the way, he must have been a “prophet”
because there WAS an ATM machine right inside the doorway of the
restaurant. I presented the meal to him and he kind of grumped,
presumably because there wasn’t a wad of sweaty cash mixed in with the
fries. He said “thank you,” I think. It was not the response I had
imagined it would be. He then stated the he was very thirsty and that a
Coke or a glass of water would be great with the meal.

asked him if there was anything else that I could do for him. Something
like, take him to a Rangers game, help him catch up on back-taxes, or
make him a beneficiary on my life insurance policy. He said no thanks,
just a large coke and $500.00 would suffice.

I did go back in for a drink and I could not get waited on. It was very
busy by now and my group was walking toward the door to leave. I did
not want to go back to my bum and have to face him empty handed so I
did what any good Christian man would do. I blended into the crowd that
was walking out the door and never looked back. Someone else could get
the bum a water, coke, or BMW.

was a bit frustrated with my demanding bum. But really, what was I
expecting? Was he supposed to jump for joy at the sight of a single
hamburger as if it was the ticket to new life? Was I expecting him to
make me feel good about helping him out? No, he acted exactly like most
men that sit on benches and ask for handouts. Was it wrong for him to
be mad that I did not give him money along with the food? Probably, but
the fact that he is in a place of begging means that something had gone
wrong somewhere along the way. I don’t know how he got that way. Maybe
it was by his own actions. That seems to be the way I get into some of
my mindsets and habits.

really don’t even know what the lesson is here. We just need to
remember that lost people do lost things. Even “spiritual” people do
some screwy things at times. I’m sure on some level my hamburger
blessed the guy. What if it didn’t? Was I doing it for warm fuzzies or
doing it “as unto the Lord?” We just try and discern what actions to
take, how to pray, and what attitudes to maintain. It IS okay to say no
to certain requests. I guess we also need to be ready to say yes when
God speaks to us.

Oops, gotta go. My bum just called and asked where that Coke is!
peace and love in Christ,
paul and lorna