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Not sure how you honor one of the most amazing men in the world… my dad is 68 today and I am very proud to say, next to my wife and my kids, he is my best friend!

Dwayne Black is the definition of a father; faithful, always there, disciplined, truth, he does not enable.
  He is strength, compassion, strong words, affirmation, expecting, but no need for performance, a humble, broken man.
  My dad is my hero.

I do not care how much money he has, how successful he is, how nice his car is or how much he might leave me some day. In fact, that never crosses my mind… I have the love and approval, more then that, the affection and blessing of my earthly father; not sure what else a man needs, but… how about 20 more years old man?!

As a son, when you have his blessing and you don’t need anything more than your father’s ear and occasional advice, I would say you have found the perfect dad.

Happy birthday father, I am very proud of you, thanks for just being my dad.

Happy birthday grandpa, from Tyler, Alexis, Emily, Michael, Caleb and Noah, we love you and want to be just like you when we grow up, you rock!!!! and your favorite girl, (Besides mom), Lisa-Marie, we love you…

3 responses to “My dad’s 68th birthday”

  1. Grandpa is amazing. he is awesome to talk to! He is a respected, spirtitual leader in my heart! i love you grandpa!

  2. Spiritual, mature, worthy of honor and respect are who you are. I’m proud to be part of your family!

  3. Hi Gary. Thanks for the chance to see the honoring comments about your father. I have heard very respectful things about him in the time you and I have known each other. Because of his legacy which lives in you and your dear children, I hope you and I have the chance to connect soon and embrace one of the last prayers of Jesus which was that the Body of Christ would be one. Unity was His passion. It’s mine too.