Continued from The Growth of Islam
In Africa, Islam is growing rampant, but this is happening in the West, too. Here are some short notes about what you can do to be praying for the love of Christ penetrating these hearts and for us as the Lord increases our influence on this continent.
Muhammad’s father was a Hindu and was responsible for one of the 365
gods’ temples in Mecca; it was in the shape of a large black box.
- Muhammad had many wives… and concubines.
- Today, Muslims have a specific plan in how they are going to ‘take
over’ different cities / countries: get voice heard in government (everyone
votes, and then get people into government), start businesses, build a mosque, many
times they will have the women marry a non-Muslim man so that she can convert
him, and have lots of kids. - All
three of these words come from the Arabic root s l m, meaning “yield”
or “submit.” So Islam is the religion of submission
to God, and one who yields his or her will to God is a Muslim. - The
story of Islam begins in Arabia in the 600’s
C.E. with the Prophet Muhammad. His name is often
transliterated into English as Mohammed. - has an
awesome graph of differences between Koran and bible. - In 50 years, Islam has
grown from one-seventh to
one-fifth of the world population. - Muslims in Africa – 890 million people or about 14% of the world’s population
live in 61 countries and territories throughout Africa. Pray
with us for these African countries. - Muslims represent 41.3% of the population
in Africa, growing at a rate of 2.5% per year
(mainly as a result of having large families). - Islam first spread from the
Middle East to North Africa and then
eventually towards the south.
Thanks for sharing those stats Gary. My heart is HUGE for those in bondage to Islam. I was amazed to see the vast number of Muslims in Swaziland and South Africa. I thought it was just a “north Africa thing.” Even here in Thailand, there’s a mosque down the road. Right now I’m reading Unveiling Islam (by Caner brothers who grew up Muslim and later came to know Jesus). They share interesting details that Christians should use to pray for Muslims worldwide. Especially in Africa. Thanks for fighting on your knees, my dear Black family.