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I am not an expert on missions; Seth Barnes, has been doing this stuff for 30 plus years and is still learning every day… but, the Lord does speed the learning curve up sometimes, simply out of obedience and pressing in. That and He can’t always wait on guys like me to get it, so He helps out a lot!

Lisa and I know we were not called to Africa to “Save” it – that seems high-minded and a little absurd! Africa has to save itself, with its own people and with much of its own resource… we were called here to learn, serve, create community and demonstrate covenant living. For both the locals and the missionaries that are here.

As we have met hundreds of missionaries there seems to be one common thread – they are lonely and desperate for relationships. Now, many of them are doing a great work and are choosing life, but, in general, they feel very alone.

Over the past 100 years or so the enemy has done an a good job of trying to keep missions from happening; he has put in the minds of most Americans that missionaries are lazy, couldn’t get a better job, and really don’t do much. I hear it all the time. On the missionary’s side, the devil has separated them and convinced them they are abandoned. We have watched many of our “very best” missionaries go home early, burned-out and confused… just like Elijah when Jezebel was trying to kill him, many missionaries feel they are the only ones left and that no one really cares…

The Lord has made it very clear to us that community, (demonstrating the Acts Church, our possessions are not our own), and covenant is what He is doing with missionaries all over the earth; we must come around them, give them our lives and resource and teach them covenantal living. As we do this, the people that we are called to serve watch a “Church” they are not familiar with.

If you are thinking of becoming a missionary, remember; be strategic with were you go – look for community or know you must establish it when you get on ground – demonstrate the Acts Church and run to covenant.

There are thousands of “Elijah’s” sitting under a tree waiting to be reminded they are not alone… there is an army in waiting…

6 responses to “Missionaries Call; Community and Covenant”

  1. Wise words Gary ! Isolation ,or even the perception of it , is a killer . I know you sometimes feel it , but it is not true ! We must keep going on this covenanted community track . xo A.

  2. Praise God, for you and your families love and dedication. This is Grandma, Caleb that was a great picture, but please tell me what happened to the knee? OUCH! I love you all, always praying.

  3. Thank you soo much for this post. This is something i have been struggling with for a while now, the fact that my family and many people around me thinkt that missions is for the lazy and the people who dont want to work. I know this isn’t true but sometimes it gets to me. So the Lord really used this to just remind me not to think of the people at home but think of him cause i know his purpose. So thanks