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For those of you that don’t know her; I would love for you all to meet Allison Johnston. She is amazing young lady that worked her way deep in Lisa’s and my heart last year in Africa.

Allison led the C-Squad of World Racers around the world… in the midst of leading a very strong crew of racers, the Lord opened Allison’s heart, revealed who He was to her and who she was to Him! The transformation and awakening in her heart was amazing to watch. She found out that she was loved and that she was a lover, all why serving the poor of the earth and keeping her squad in-tact!

I can tell you, it was NO easy road.

Well, Allison is at it again. She is leading the G-Squad – Lisa and I are the coaches and she is the leader of 52 new World Racers. She has given up serious relationships, her horse, and put her future on hold to serve America’s young people, the World Race and the poor of the earth, once again.

As we drop in on these racers that are traveling around the world, I can tell you it is work! They are emotionally exhausted, spiritually challenged and relationally at the end by the time we get to them every couple months.

For Allison to take this on again is a testimony to who she has become and that she will always say “YES” to the Lord… she has to be a little crazy as well, but that’s how we like them!

She needs some help finishing up her support so she doesn’t have to worry about it while she is managing plane tickets, demons, fights, trains not showing up, bus rides for 98 hours and the really hard stuff like sickness!

If the Lord would tug on your heart, just click here and shoot her a tax-deductible gift to take some pressure off… believe me and please take my word for it; she is more then worth it!! Thank you.

2 responses to “Meet Allison Johnston”

  1. Allison is a wonderful example of the self-sacrifice it will take to bring a generation alive fully.

    Very proud of you Allison! Your example makes me want to be a better leader and father. Your life makes me want to: serve more, give cheerfully, worship with abandon, & live a life without limits!

  2. That’s My Girl !!!!!

    It’s Amazing Seeing GOD Operate Within and Through Her.
    Sorry Gary don’t try to adopt her, I already have the dibs!!!