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Being with Andrew and Seth all week in Hong
Kong was humbling. We have watched many of our young disciples come fully alive and want to take ownership of the World Race and G42. Andrew’s dream of raising 100,000 Ephesians 4 leaders and my dream of seeing a million of
this generation walking in holiness are starting to happen. An Ephesians 4
leader is one that understands that the five-fold ministry is alive today, and
they can walk in complete confidence and maturity in Christ!

It is Seth Barnes that has really birthed the first part of
what we call a “Luke 10 lifestyle” and has sent over 75,000 missionaries to the
ends of the earth: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out
workers into His harvest field. Go!”

We are seeing this Luke 10 lifestyle come alive through the World
– Luke 10:9 is happening
today, as you read this: “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, the Kingdom of God is near you.”

A movement of Luke 10 disciples
is in place, and they are actually experiencing verse 17: “They returned with
joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”
It is
incredible to see this revelation and faith come alive in our Racers, but, we
know it has to be married to the Luke 18
lifestyle, or it doesn’t work for very long…

Luke 18 is
really birthed in Isaiah
61, 62 and 63 – these chapters should
really be studied together. Isaiah 62:5-6
says: ” As a young man marries a maiden, so will your sons marry you; as a
bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will the your God rejoice over you.
I have posted watchman on your walls, O Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give your
selves no rest.”

Isaiah 61:5
is the revelation of the bridegroom God (see blog posting on this), and verse 6 is day-and-night
prayer. Look at Luke 18:8: “However,
when the son of man comes, will He find faith on earth?”
Verse 7 says: “And
will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day
and night?”

The “Faith” that He will find is that we know Him as a
bridegroom, and we are wholly possessed to walk in that knowledge and bring
justice to the nations of the earth!

A Luke 10 and
Luke 18 lifestyle is necessary for the next generation of world-changers: Cry out to
God day and night, listen to His whisper or His shout, and in every nation you
place your feet, take dominion and teach them to do the same – cry out, listen
and go!

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