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Last week the Gazette Telegraph, our local paper here in Colorado Springs called me and asked if they could interview my family about how the drop in the US Dollar affects our mission efforts around the world…

As we continue to raise personal support – work a few jobs and raise money for Nsoko and our other work around the globe; it’s good to know that people are aware and that we are in this together.

Pray for the missionaries and organizations that send them you know around the world today; there are some great people doing what they have to do to “Go”.

Of course they didn’t get it all right, and they left a lot out I wish was in the article; but they did get the World Race and Adventures in Missions in there and the picture of the BlackTribe is not bad!

You can read the article here – Life: The Missionary Challenge

2 responses to “Life: The Missionary Challenge”

  1. Of course your mom and I think the picture was the best part of the write up, being a missionary has never been easy, those who choose this path invite testing, trials, and perfecting of the faith. Most Christians for one reason or another do not walk this path, maybe they are smarter ha ha. Any way we are tremendously pleased, proud and thankful that you have chosen it.
    Mom and dad.