Leave Home
…and all that is comfortable.
All that is safe. All that is secure.
In so doing, you learn how to depend on God.
You learn to adapt, grow, and change.
Learn how to love and trust…God, yourself, and others.
There is no law against this – laying down
your life for the sake of others.
This is the secret to an abundant
life – that you must give it away.
There is no better way to live life than in true community and fellowship.
you’ve never laughed before. Live your life fully alive.
Wake up to the
reality of what God is doing and journey with him.
There is freedom in
the journey. There is joy.
This is what you were destined for.
Dare to join the Race.
Visit the website, and apply today. the World Race is a world missions adventure trip, taking you to eleven countries in eleven months and teaching you to dream God’s dreams for your life.
See if you have what it takes to leave, love, and laugh.