
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We have Lisa home and resting; she is doing very well –
again, thank you for your prayer, calls, and those that could come and see her…
it means everything!

We have been talking about living on support and creating
wealth. How those that invest into missionaries or full time ministry people
actually open a door of blessing, covenant and miracles with those that they
are supporting with prayer and finance… 

(Thanks for all the emails about yesterday’s blog. Sorry the
comment section wasn’t working, I am sure I messed that up some how)!

Lisa the kids and I are going to continue to raise support
and find ways to create income and wealth so we can teach it to the next
generation of business people and ministers that we are called to and free up
our personal and project finances to multiply what we are doing around the
globe. But – we refuse to let become a distraction. It has to be done in the
fear of the Lord… we are “Priests” first…

With the call from the Lord to do both ministry and finding
ways to create income, we have had a couple of our supporters that are business
men come around us to help. Please pray that some provision comes… quickly!
One Point of prayer – (My dad and both agree we need to build some prayer cover on this)
My Father has a company, Horizon Energy. Dad and I have traveled to Russia
and London many times over the
past three 1/2 year’s together working with the Russian Government. Would you please join us
in some good old fashion intercession to break this open – it
literally means awesome provision for the Kingdom
of God! We know it is going to
happen, just need some help to get it done… Our website is it is
being upgraded right now and will be back in full color early next week.  

At this point in my life – all I
care about is pleasing Him… let the rain come and may the Lord bless the work of your hands – all day!