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Had an amazing opportunity to preach at a

Church outside of

South Africa… it was about 250 Africans or so, but the fun part was that they had an engagement party going on; it was a Zulu man (South African Tribe) that was marring a Swazi women. They had every color, flag, all the traditional war clothes; it was a sight to see and a party to be had!

We started at about 10:00 and went into the late afternoon; every time I would say something that they liked or hit their spirits, the whistles would start blowing, the instruments would fire up and we would dance and worship for a while and then back to preaching. I can’t tell you the joy and sincerity of their devotion and love for the Lord; it was a good lesson for me and my family… what an awesome God we serve, all over the world!

Lisa has a great blog about this coming, check it out at Lisa Marie.