
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Africa is a magical, breathtaking, simple place; the beauty and hopelessness in the faces tell a story of generations, life and you can almost taste them wandering if this is God’s judgment or how life is just suppose to be… I am taken with the question in their hearts.

The Lord spoke two very clear things to us of why He wanted our family in this place called Swaziland. Most people have never heard of this small country and I have had many Christians ask me if it is an amusement park in Africa, like Disney Land or Six Flags; an amusement park it is not! The Lord told us that the answer for the AIDS epidemic lies in the heart of an orphan here; that if we will serve these forgotten
ones as if they were our own and the way we have been serving American kids for the past 20 years, He would allow us to pull the dreams from their hearts and watch many of them change the Continent of Africa through Kingdom business and true ministry and many more be called as missionaries all over the world, including America. (We have a 25 year old translator in Mozambique that the Lord supernaturally taught English in two days so he could help our missionaries there), come on Church!

For the past month and a half I have been introducing myself to every waiter, street worker, street vendor, pastor, business person, security guard, and people walking down the street, everyone I can find. When I mention that I want to do a “Leadership School” here, teaching them how to think beyond themselves, what it means to not just learn how to fish, but how to own the pond, teaching them God’s principles for business and ministry, they light up, take my cell phone number and call until I meet them. I am meeting with about 11 20 something year olds now on a weekly basis, learning what is in their heart, how they think, what they can afford, how they want to change Africa; I am learning a lot and I have a long way to go!

Leadership, Discipleship, Kingdom; if you want to know what we are doing here, it is as simple as that.