
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We just had Church in my living room. 15 or so of us. We worshiped, celebrated together, dug into the word – (found out in scripture what the 5 crowns are that we get in heaven for being “Kingdom people” on earth) – and we wept.

Chad Mast was hit with a “Spirit of Travail” fell to his face and prayed over people’s feet. Sean Smith prophesied and, with his hands on fire, prayed for anyone who was feeling sick emotionally or physically.

We prayed for a marriage that was having trouble, two young women that are about to take off on a journey around the world and Chad held three of my boys as he wept and asked for God’s heart to come alive inside them… after we were done, all three of my boys came to me, looked me in the eyes, and thanked me for being me…

Please read Seth Barnes blog tonight – we are building community here in Colorado Springs that will touch the nations of the earth…

Find your community; what Jeff Goins just reminded me Eldredge calls a “fellowship of the heart” – a tight-knit group of friends who would lay down their lives for one another, and do it!

Just like the five crowns – Revelation 4:6-10 teaches; we get to lay them down when we enter the Holy of Holy’s – Stop just “Going” to “Church” and lay down your life for something… or someone… it’s worth it.