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Saturday morning was the Somhlolo Festival of Praise annual prayer breakfast that Lisa,
Chad, Erin, Matt and I
attended; it was powerful. The current
King’s great grandfather King Somhlolo had a dream of men with white faces coming
to him with a book in one hand and gold coins in the other; he had to eat one or
the other, and to make a long dream short, he ate the book…

The next day, after
the dream, white missionaries showed up at his palace and prophetically told him
the dream and that the book he ate was the Word of Life; Swaziland became a
Christian nation on the spot. This prayer breakfast is dedicated to that
sequence and is celebrated every year.

Lisa was taken up to the King’s second
wife to be introduced. She was the only one out of about 200 attendees (men are not
allowed to approach the queens). She asked Lisa what we were doing here, was
blown away by her answer, and wants to help! When this Queen prayed from the mic, it was
electric: she called down heaven, prayed against witchcraft, it was mind

We met the Christian
parliament members, the key Swazi pastors, and some royalty; the most powerful time was
when Rev. Dr. June Mckinney had a prophecy for
Swaziland and
Africa, that the “answer has
been delayed, but is coming.”

She said, “Isn’t it ironic that the devil has
cursed us with a blood disease called HIV/AIDS and that the only thing that
gives life is the blood of Jesus?! The Blood of Jesus will bring healing and
revival to Swaziland, and it is coming this
year!” You could have heard a pin drop after her 20-minute prophecy…

I rushed to my radio
program and the Spirit of the sovereign Lord was resting on me. He showed up on
the airwaves, and over 2 ½ million people heard the prophetic word from my lips.
It was a powerful day here in Africa!

7 responses to “Kingly Dreams and Prophecy for Swaziland”

  1. Gary and the Black Tribe!

    We love seeing all the Lord is doing in response to your joyful obedience. It is exciting to hear the ongoing reports. Keep them coming.

    Much love and prayers,


  2. Amazing story, Gary! The spirit of revelation is so powerful…and is really awesome when captured by the leaders of the nation! Bless you MOG!

  3. PRAISE THE LIVING GOD..You brought the people hope and life. God is in control, Satin you are out the the name of JESUS. LOVE MOM

  4. Incredible stuff. I just heard an amazing message this weekend. It was out of Isaiah 37:21-38 (read it, it will make your day). Keep doing what you’re doing, stay faithful and the Lord will fight the battle for you. He planned the enemies success (for a time) long before, but then he will lead him out with a hook in his nose and a bridle in his mouth by the road he came in on.
    I love it! He PLANNED it, he didn’t allow it, He planned it – to show His glory when he sent him packing.
    Wishing we were there…

  5. Greetings Black from deep in the heart of Texas ! So it`s true then … you will stand before kings…!! You`e a living epistle ! Brilliant Man of God . A.