
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am back online. Sorry for the lack of communication and blogs; a forced internet fast from my 5 year old blowing up my computer was good for me! One of my goals is to always do my quiet time before I turn on the emails… it was good to not have the option this past couple weeks!

We are preparing for the first G42 summit this week. Andrew ShearmanSeth Barnes and about 25 others are coming in for an intense few days of seeking the Lord, ministering to each-other and acting on what God is asking us to do… we know He has called us to plant Church’s – we have a few in Africa now and are gearing to plant a “G42” Church here in Colorado Springs this fall.

We also have the mandate of James 1:27 – we must serve the widow and orphan. Around the world we know what that means; 148 million orphans, babies with no mom or dad deserving the same opportunity as all of us. Women, all alone, are trying to raise families on $2 a day! The World Race and other expressions are helping us do this…

Here in America the widow and orphan are the single mothers and their children abandoned by worthless fathers. 40 some % of all birth-certificates in America not having a fathers name on them – 77% of inner-city kids with NO father’s name on their birth-certificate. We have an epidemic in our own back-yard.

Some of the young people coming to the summit this week want to plant “girl’s homes” in Seattle. (Homes for girls left on the streets in downtown Seattle) A few of them want to start coffee shops in Europe to minister to the up and coming generation; we will send some to Africa to serve Pastor Gift, others will move to the slums of the Philippines and Philadelphia…

This week is all about God birthing “Kingdom” in the hearts of the next generation. This week is about us as fathers and mothers hovering over them and empowering these young people to just do it. It is a significant time for all of us…

8 responses to “Just do it”

  1. I am so in with the vision, even though I can’t be there this week. I so wish that I could! Have an amazing week, I’ll be lifting you all up in prayer. Can’t wait to see what God does!

  2. I would love to hear more about what is going on out in Seattle. I am leaving tomorrow for a trip back to Seattle and will be visiting my friends and supporters for about a month.

    I have a lot of friends out there that would probably love to get involved with the girls homes. Send me any info you have. I would love to meet with some of the girls who have this vision.

  3. awesome-ness in a blog. rock on. thank you, gary AND lisa, for being those kind of parents to us. sorry i’m missing out on the fun in CO but you have my love and prayers!!

  4. love the blog man, but also remember the single fathers, i have raised my stepkids , and my own since ’03, because the mother decided to walk away. not always deadbeat dads, a stunning realization in america today is the mothers walking away from their children