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This is all part of the blog series I’m doing on Islam, during the month of Ramadan. Check out yesterday’s blog for the Life of Muhammad. The following is from a Beth Moore study I did awhile back; excuse the disjointedness. Most of these are based on notes I took:

Genesis 16:11-12:
His hand will be against everyone, and he will live in hostility toward all
his brothers…


They lived in hostility toward all their brothers.

What started out a he,
turned into a they. It usually does. Time has an uncanny way of turning a he
into a they.

We unearth an important application when we ask ourselves this question: What
do we want our descendants to be like?
Your legacy will be either your physical or spiritual descendants.
What do you want them to be like?

We determine this by our own example. We better pursue becoming what we hope our
descendants to be. If you want them to fulfill their destiny that God has for
them, then you better be fulfilling your destiny. If you want them to be
different from you, start being different.

Ishmael lived in hostility towards his brothers, and this he has become a they. In the 1300 years of Islam, only 100 collective years have
been in peace. According to Dr. Ergun Caner, this was the genius of Bin Laden: he brought
them together.

Muslims believe that Christianity is blasphemous, because they
don’t believe that God can have a son.

Sura 1:12:

Allah does not beget and he is not begotten.

John 3:16:

…His only begotten son…

Sura 4:157-159:

Muhammad wrote that Christ was not

They believe Christians live in the “train of blood,”
chiefly because of the Crusades. Other countries believe that we are like TV
in America.
They think our entire history is a “train of blood.” They view us as a violent

Loving individuals helps break long-term stereotypes. We need to be
loving individuals. Hatefulness is not going to cut it! It’s not Biblical.
Hatefulness brought no one to God. We are the spiritual offspring of Abraham, and through
Abraham, all nations are to be blessed. Though nation may war with nation,
individual Christians can be part of that blessing by making our goal to win
individual Muslims to the love and security of Jesus Christ.

“Know, therefore, that the Lord is God,” say the Psalms. We are the ones
who are to teach the truth. God who is seeking to redeem in love and security.

2 responses to “Ishmael’s Hostility and Hope for Muslims”

  1. The translation “begotten” is incorrect. According to The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Vol. 2 (Ed. Colin Brown), “Lit. it means ‘of a single kind’. . . . It is only distantly related to gennao, beget. The idea of ‘only begotten’ goes back to Jerome who used unigenitus in the Vulg[ate] to counter the Arian claim that Jesus was not begotten but made” (p. 725). Note that the same word is used of Isaac in Hebrews 11:17, although Abraham had seven sons besides Isaac (Ishmael and the six sons from his wife Keturah). So that word obviously doesn’t mean “only begotten”; it means “of a single kind” or “unique.” Although some Bibles use “one and only,” it’s not as good as “unique,” since Adam is also the “son of God” (Luke 3:38). Note also that Jerome’s change is an example of an editor changing the Bible to fit his own theology and affecting Christian theology for more than 1000 years.

  2. Muslems are trying to live in Bibical times of old testament back before Christs death not realizing in those days the sacrifice of animals for blood offerings were based on the promise before Christ crucifiction knowing in old days of that time sacrifices were for all laws so they could be for given by physical laws no spiritual involved because Christ Holy Spirit eas not poured out until after his death on the cross even though some of the prophets were lead by Gods Spirit to write things of the future which was when God came to earth as Jesus thats why its so important to be born again If anyone doesnt know Jesus as Lord and Savior I ask that they admit that they want the Holy Spirit to come into their life right at this moment because if not now tommorow could be to late you can do this back a simple act of faith just pray a simple prayer asking Gos to come into your heart as Lord and Savior if you are sincere He will