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From Lisa’s blog:

In true Black fashion, we have conquered the Sea.
The locals fled in fear from the lifeguard abandoned and wave torn beaches.

was warning signs on every beach, we know this because we drove to
every beach, determined to enjoy our last day on the ocean. Our family is not shy, quiet, or meek.

are always the loudest at every restaurant, we always seem to capture
the attention of onlookers…we can’t help it; it is just who we are.

We have offended strangers on several continents, by referring to our
children as “the Black Kids”…and we have broken our share of
“suggested” rules in public places. Little rules, like “No shirt, no shoes, no service.”

We are not rebellious or disrespectful; we just have WAY too much fun together.
was no different. I woke up and took one look at the violence of the
sea consumed by white foam storm worthy wind, and all I could think was,
“Today is going to be a GREAT day.”

After dealing with flat tires, a small annoyance, we prepared to set out and tame the sea.
Our hearts were brave, our souls were ready, and our minds were, well, maybe a little small.
united and secure that our wills were legal and our life insurance paid
up…we entered the treacherous sea, against the advice of, um… everyone.

Fear not, we survived, we laughed until we peed in our swimsuits (no
one will ever know), we scratched most of our exposed skin on the ocean
floor, and our sinuses are clear, very clear. We will sleep like
babies, and carry the memories of today in our hearts and minds
forever. Sometimes, it is worth it to push the rules, sometimes the experts are wrong.

3 responses to “In True Black Fashion”

  1. I guess you dont have the same rules about skin on the website as others. I love it. You guys are awesome and missed. LIFE!!!!