
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am meeting with the board of IDM on Thursday, the 13th.

They have
just built a state-of-the-art training facility in Matsapa, Swaziland 15
minutes from my house:

  • about 185,000 sq. feet of office, computer and training
  • indoor basketball court (which is just catching on here)
  • squash courts
  • a dining hall that feeds hundreds
  • dorms
  • teacher condos that can sleep up
    to 500

IDM is a management
training school – they have been looking for ways to bring in international
trainers and a bridge to the next generation of Africans to attend their school
– G42 is the perfect match!

We are asking for use
of all facilities.

They have offered free office space for my team of nine,
classrooms, and 1/3 of the dormitories if I will teach leadership a few times a
month and bring in international speakers from time-to-time.

They are also
excited about possibly building a full ropes training course for team-building
and leadership training.

Please pray as this will all be decided on the
13th, this Thursday!

7 responses to “IDM Management Training School”

  1. Wow…what a blessing, bro! This one might make Oprah gasp…It’s great to see a man and his family live the vision God has placed on your hearts. The leadership program is right down your alley and will leave a huge footprint on the nation(s). We are challenged daily and our hearts beat a bit faster, as we open your daily blog and consume our daily bread. God Bless you all! Gary

  2. Gary, what an amazing door the Father has opened for you. I am praying for you.
    I Corinthians 16:9
    “For a great and effectual door has been opened to me, but many adversaries oppose me”
    Gary, there has been much opposition…and many demonic strategies to stop you…but the Lord has opened this door…there is opposition, but going through it will bring breakthrough…you and your family have been faithful to the call of God on your we know obedience is the doorway to the supernatural…go through the door! Breakthrough is just ahead! Love you bro –
    praying for you!

  3. Gary – my laptop has gone walkabout so I`m borrowing . You can sure that I will praying and shouting for 13th ! You`re a Prince ! A