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For the past week we have had Mitch, a friend from the US, his son Abraham as well as
 one of his spiritual sons, Matt join us here in Swaziland.
 It has been fun to watch the transformation and awakening in each one of them!


Mitch is a successful American Business man that understood the hearts of the orphans before he ever even met one.
  His patience, love and fun, (he danced and sang like no one I have seen with the kids) brought the children comfort and joy. He was not only received by the orphans, but the Go, Go’s and teachers loved him as well. Thanks, Mitch, they will not forget you.


Abe, his 13 year old son was a little leery at first, but after spending time with Michael Black and playing some soccer at the care points, he jumped right in. Soon he was swinging the kids, teaching, being overrun sometimes with all the attention. Abe told me as he was leaving that he would love to live here and do what we do.
  He caught the vision and became more alive! Thanks Abraham, you are a man of God.


Matt, a college student that plays soccer on a full ride scholarship for his school in Seattle, is one of my favorite now! He came here a little dry, questioning some things about life. Over the last five days he found out who he is; I am not saying this lightly, he really found out why he was born and tapped into the vision for his life! He held the kids, wept over them and gave them each a part of his soul. In the Abandoned Baby Hospital he rocked little babies that the whole world has rejected.
 As we tried to talk to him as we left, he just pushed us a side and had to spend some time with the Lord; his whole continence changed after we left. We held each other at the airport, crying, praising, I knew right then I had met a man that will give up his life for the lives of these special children, thanks Matt.

We spent the last two days at Kruger National Park, it is a fenced game park the size of Israel; as they were leaving, Mitch said he is bringing his whole family back for three weeks in July and Matt is coming for the summer and every chance he gets. He wants to play, teach soccer and live in Swazi with the kids that changed his life, I think God just might like that plan.

2 responses to “I think God just might like that plan”

  1. Black – does indeed sound like a plan . May it happen 1000`s of times ! xo A.