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Thoughts & Inspiration

After almost 20 some years of youth ministry I know less now then I did when I started, thank God! What I mean is that I used to think I had things figured out, thought my messages I preached were pretty good – kind of like a lot of the kids I have the opportunity to minister too; they think they know more then they actually do…

Now in my 40’s I feel more alive and more dependent on the Father then ever… it doesn’t matter anymore how well I preach, or even who is watching. I want the young people I meet to see my spirit, not my talents or even my anointing; I want them to see a genuine spiritual father that doesn’t want any more from them except to see them soar.

I have realized that my only job, not matter if I am in business meetings, preaching to a crowd, in a hut Church, working one-on-one with someone, holding an orphan or just sitting around my kitchen table; my task, my joy, is to pull the greatness out of those around me and watch them become better then I have ever dreamed of being…

Don’t get me wrong. I love attention, walking in the anointing, using my gifts; but, when I watch my own 4 teen-agers and the men and women they are becoming it hits me. All these kids want is to see genuine, real, alive, broken, peaceful, and strong, dads and moms that want them to be great and will do what it takes to get them there.

I know my 50’s will bring whole new level of all of this, but the one thing I do know is that if you want to raise good Christian kids – Repent when you are wrong, lead with strength, discipline with integrity, learn more about grace and be yourself. When you are yourself, you are the best you will ever be, and they can follow that!

6 responses to “How to raise good Christian kids”

  1. I experienced this joy myself this past January at training camp with the India and Swazi teams. I was filled to overflowing with love for them and the desire to see them lead extravagant lives for Christ.

  2. Genuine wisdom words. Thank you for saying what we parents desperately need to hear and remember. God bless your ministry!

  3. From a dad with four young kids, this blog was fantastic! A keeper. Will have to copy most of it into my journal to re-read for months to come…Thanks Gary.

  4. “I have realized that my only job…my task, my joy, is to pull the greatness out of those around me and watch them become better then I have ever dreamed of being…”

    Amen! Thank you for echoing my heart and for saying it so much better than I ever have!

  5. maybe that is how we change the world,
    pulling greatness out of those around us, one at a time,
    you are brilliant black, simply brilliant!
    your wife