
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Just back from Hong Kong – I had an amazing trip! We touched things in the spirit that I have not seen in a very long time… The Lord went very deep – many were healed from abuse, pain and the team is ready to take China for Christ!

I will blog more later… here is an update from Pastor Gift on Nsoko. Please continue to pray and give as you can;

Pastor Gift says, “May I pass on to you my family’s gratitude for making it possible that the children join us in NSOKO. God be with you all. Thank you.”

They have met with 18 men and women who are HIV positive and are providing food for them to take their AVR’s, and bus fare for some who can’t afford to get to the open clinics. There is a huge need for the clinic to be functioning on site.
As for the building – there have been some delays but we think that it will still open on schedule.

They need money for bars on the window, just last night one of the carepoints (Joyela) was broken into and the food was stolen. I saw for myself they broke into a small part of the window and unlatched the hook to just go through the window.
Prayer for transitioning some of the children at the closest care point to come directly to the center.

The numbers have tripled and there is a desperate need for chairs to accommodate the people coming to the service.

Leadership School:
This past weekend (Oct 25) they had 50 people attend the first training workshop. They will be doing the workshop once a month for now. They learned about HIV/AIDS, gender issues, constitutionalism, separation of powers (politics), and the importance of participating in community development.
Need 24 tables, 2 flannel boards, and a projector
The people that came gave a good response  to the teaching. and they are excited about the youth involvement.
They would like a special budget for refreshments during those sessions

The purses:
The women are responding better than expected. 13 women came to the center everyday to sew. He thinks that they will meet their deadline for the first batch.

Gama Family:
The house will be finished by Friday and the family will be able to move in by next week.
Philile is sickly again, but she is being monitored.
One of her kids is suspected to have HIV

diagnosed with a tumor in her throat, that has grown so big you can see it on the outside of her chest. She is suspected to ave HIV as well, but can’t ge tested until her Father gives permission.

Children’s Village
Still in Phase 2