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Thoughts & Inspiration

As you know, I believe the Lord told me that he would use the business people of Africa and the hearts of the orphans to save this Continent on fire, without much effort and in the midst of one of the busiest times of my lives; He is rolling out the dream.

Today I took a team of five of our young missionaries and my son Tyler east of Manzini about an hour. It is a forgotten place in Swaziland, hot, dry, and seemingly an abandoned place. We are working with local business men; Swazi sugar cane companies, mining companies, a grocery store owner and a few others. These companies have formed a foundation to serve their communities both for selfish reasons, humanity reasons, and just because these forgotten people are getting in their hearts.

The man leading this business group is the third generation of white Swazi’s that has been farming sugar, citrus and own a construction company. They are loosing their work force to AIDS daily and realize that something has to be done quickly or their legacy that they have fought and bleed for will be gone. In the process of finding the answer to save their dreams, they have touched something they never saw coming; the dreams of thousands of orphans that are starving to death around them, and that’s where we come in!

They have committed hundreds of acres, their construction services, their equipment to dig water holes, lay pipe and help fund our orphan and leadership initiative. African business men, funding the dreams of their own orphans…

We went to a care point across the street from their sugar cane company today; 95 kids average age of 5. Half dressed, snotty noses, sores, scabs; three grandma’s with one little cooking stove taking care of a community of kids that have no parents. They receive food from the government, one time a month, this month it didn’t come. These business men bought a bunch more cooking pots, food and are starting to understand.

Please continue to pray and thank God for what He is rolling out, it is saving lives daily…

2 responses to “He is rolling out the dream…”

  1. God Bless your entire family for making such a huge impact in Africa. I can’t wait to see your treasures stored up in Heaven.