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Thoughts & Inspiration


As we get ready to celebrate the 4th of July – America’s independence, I can’t help but think about my friends back in Africa…

Last year we had a number of young American missionaries with us in Swaziland for the 4th – we grilled burgers and hot dogs and believe it or not I was able to buy some amazing fire works from a Chinese shop in the capitol of Swazi – you know, the ones we see at the “Professional” shows here – I got those!

We launched them in the middle of a rain storm… the sky lit up, we oohed and awed and the Africans stopped and stared with astonishment… they had no idea what we were doing and why we were celebrating; and many of them had never seen such a sight!

Celebrate your family today – celebrate America today – but, please, celebrate those around the world that watch us with astonishment; we live an amazing life…

Happy 4th everybody!